Thursday, November 4, 2010

The "C" Word - A compelling story

Three fifth graders, two boys and one girl, were sent to the principal's office for punishment. While waiting for the principal, the kids were made to sit on a bench just outside the office door. As they sat and waited, a group of kids, and a couple of teachers, walked by.

One of the teachers asked the girl what she had done to get sent to the office. She replied "I said the 'sh' word." The group just shook their heads. Then the teacher asked the first boy the same question. He said "I said the 'f' word." Again, the group just shook their heads.

Finally someone asked the second boy what he had done. He said "I used the 'c' word." "The 'c' word??" asked the teacher. "Yes", said the boy, "I said Christmas". The eyes of all of those in the group widened with disgust and they gasped in horror that the boy would actually dare utter such a horrible, hideous, offensive word at school. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" exclaimed one of the other kids.


Now, this is not a true story, however it easily could be given society's fascination with political correctness. And, I can see this happening in the not too distant future unless we wise up as a nation and realize that the right to not be offended does not exist in the Constitution. Unless we wake up and realize that the laws and rights that are enumerated in the Constitution apply to everyone, including Christians.

Let's work and do whatever it takes to keep Christmas a part of our societal lexicon. Let's not allow the political correctness crowd to continue to make it an offensive word and try to have it eliminated. Let's protect and stand up for our rights as Christians to call this special holiday by its right and proper name.

So with that MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And, no I don't care if it offends you or not.

Jim L. Chitty
“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”

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