Friday, January 16, 2009

Who's judging whom?

The other day I was accused by a reader of my blog of violating one of the key scriptures that we Christians try our best to live by, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". Apparently this reader has not read either my blog or his/her Bible in enough depth to understand the difference between judging someone and calling a spade a spade. I will go to great lengths in the next few paragraphs to explain the difference.

When you judge someone, you make assumptions as to the person's character. Saying that a rapist or murderer broke the law is not judging that individual. Even saying that since they were tried and convicted in a court of law they should serve time is not judging the person. Saying the person is a no good, worthless piece of trash would be judging the person. Sometimes people make serious mistakes, lapses of judgment and get in over their heads, but those people are usually salvageable and are still worth something.

By the same token, it is also not being judgmental to call an illegal immigrant just that. We have immigration laws. When they ignore those laws to come here then they come here illegally and thus become illegal immigrants. That is calling a spade a spade. Most of them are not bad people and mean well. They're just trying to make a better life for their families. That does not however change the fact that they have broken the law to get here and continue to break it by staying here. Saying that is not judging them and is not a racist statement. Neither is calling them what they are, illegal immigrants. Anyone who is not intelligent enough to know the difference has my deepest sympathy.

It was suggested by the reader that I should get to know some illegals and it might change my mind. It won't change anything. Getting to know them won't change their legal status just like getting to know a murderer or a rapist won't change their legal status nor what I call them. A murderer is murderer, a rapist is a rapist, and an illegal immigrant is an illegal immigrant. What really bugs me though are the statistics on how many illegal immigrants become rapists and murderers. Do the research for yourself. The numbers are staggering.

The reader was actually doing what she accused me of doing, judging. She was judging my character, calling me a racist and questioning my Christianity because I called a spade a spade. So, my question is, who is judging whom? I have never said I hate immigrants and have never called them all bad people. I have called the ones turned out that way bad people, but never have I lumped all of them into that category. This reader is the one judging, so, I would caution her to be extremely careful because it is not me she will stand before and answer to for doing that one day.

I personally don't care what she thinks or says about me really. It just shows that she hasn't bothered to get to know me. Those who know me the best, know that there isn't a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

I guess my final word to this reader would be, I hope you keep reading, and I hope one day you can find a way to handle the truth. I can handle the criticism. The question is, can you handle being confronted with the facts?

Jim Chitty

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