Monday, January 12, 2009

I must be a racist

What is a racist? The dictionary defines racism as "1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination." Today's society defines a racist as anyone who disagrees with, and did not support or vote for Barrack Obama, and as someone who is opposed to illegal immigration. If you go by the dictionary definition, I am not a racist. However, if you go by society's current definition, I might be. Let's take a look.

If opposing the ideas, policies, and rhetoric but not the race or ethnicity of a political figure who happens to be black makes me a racist, then so be it. I'll wear the label proudly.

If expecting that immigrants to America abide by our laws and come here legally regardless where they come from makes me a racist, then so be it. I'll wear the label with pride.

If being a Conservative and holding Christian family values makes me a racist, then I'm guilty as charged.

Our liberal society has it all twisted around. I opposed Barack Obama's bid for the presidency because of the Marxist/Socialist views he espouses not because of his skin color. His blackness had nothing to do with it. In fact, there are several men of color that I would love to see run for and even be elected President. J.C. Watts is one. Michael Steele is one. Dr. Walter E. Williams is another. Supremen Court Justice Clarence Thomas is yet another I would support. These are fine, upstanding patriotic Americans who don't pal around with terrorists and don't to destroy this country with Socialism and political correctness.

Society also has this twisted notion that opposing illegal immigration and supporting the rule of law is racist. Is it racist to expect immigrants to America to abide by our traffic laws and not speed, or drink and drive? Is it racist to expect them to stop and stop signs and red lights? Of course not. Immigration laws are no different than these traffic laws. It is not racist to not only expect, but to insist and even demand that immigrants abide by our immigration laws as well.

Some even try to play the "God" card and say that it is un-Christian to oppose illegal immigration.They obviously, clearly don't know thier Bible. Either that or they know it all too well and choose to ignore it to push their agenda. The Bible tells us in no uncertain terms that as Christians we are to obey the laws of the land and that those in power who make and enforce the laws are annointed by God to do so. Don't believe me? Do the research for yourself then. Immigration laws fit this category. So that means God expects immigration laws to be followed and enforced. Now, tell me then, is God a racist?? Be very careful how you answer that one.

So, to set the record straight for those of you who may be thinking "this guy is a racist" and for those of you who have even dared to call me that, you couldn't be more wrong.There is not a racist bone in my body. If you would bother to actually read my posts you would know this.You obviously don't know me. So if you are one of those, I would like to invite to take a long, hard look in the mirror and a long hard look at the nearest Bible to see where God stands on this issue and how that compares to where you stand. I have done this and know that I am rock solid ground on my views concerning illegal immigration and concerning our incoming president. I make no apologies for the stances I take and if they offend you, that's your problem not mine.

Jim Chitty

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