Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Bush years: A look back.

As the Bush era comes to a close and this clown Obama prepares to take office, I thought it would be appropriate to take a look back at the last 8 years. I will look back with some fondness and some disdain over the events of President Bush's 2 terms. There have definitely been some highlights, and some low lights.

It all started in 2000 when George W. Bush won the election over Al Gore. That's right, he won it fair and square. You idiots who think otherwise, get over it. He was then almost immediately faced with September 11 2001 terror attacks on New York, Washington D.C., and a Pennsylvania field. He managed the nation and our recovery from this horrific tragedy in stellar fashion I believe. We have not even had a credible threat of attack since President Bush decided to show the terrorists America would not tolerate their misdeeds.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been a huge topic of debate for many. We were right and justified responding with force to the terrorist attacks on our soil. I have often said that a much clearer and more decisive message would have been delivered to the terrorists if we had gone over to Iraq, turned the place 20,000 degrees, and been done with it. In some ways, the war has been handled properly, in other ways, not so much. But, the ways in which the Bush administration has mishandled the war and things related to it, is nothing compared to the way the Democrats will screw it up once their anointed one takes office.

I was in stark disagreement with the Bush administration when they came out in favor of the amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. You simply don't reward law breaking. Not if you want to remain a safe and free country.

And now, as the Bush years draw to a close, our nation's economy is in the tank, and in the minds of many that is Bush's fault. I don't think so. A co-worker suggested yesterday that it is possible that the markets have purposely created this economic crisis to make Bush look bad and then in Obama's second quarter they will turn things around and make out to look like the hero. Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? We will have to wait and see. Bush didn't cause the economic crisis and Obama's liberal tax increases and socialistic big government ideas will only make things far worse than they are now.

Many say we spent too much money fighting the wars. Had we spent more it would have already been over with and we wouldn't be having this conversation. I am as much against increasing government spending as any Conservative and more than some. My only problem with spending on the war is I think we could and should have done more to give our troops the tools necessary to do their jobs, to help make them safer, and to care more for the wounded and for the families of those lost. Where we have spent too much money as a nation is in giving free medical care, food stamps, and myriad other benefits to illegal immigrants. $400-600 billion a year we spend on criminal immigrant invaders would have gone a long way to taking care of those who are fighting and have fought for our freedom to have this debate.

George Bush was not as Conservative as I would have liked, but he was way better than his skirt chasing predecessor and his Marxist/Socialist successor. George Bush will carry a mostly positive legacy into private life. Not for those incurable and intellectually vacant Bush-haters who think he is the devil incarnate and whose views don't matter anyway, only for the patriotic Americans who are and have been paying attention these last eight years. Ultimately history will look back positively on the Bush years.

Another huge disagreement I had with President Bush was over the incarceration of the two border patrol agents Ramos and Campion who were arrested for doing their job. They have been locked up for two years now because they fired on a Mexican drug smuggler who was trying to get across the border with a stash of drugs. He tried to run over them and they shot at him. But yet they get locked up??

President Bush, you MUST pardon these fine defenders of our national sovereignty IMMEDIATELY. Do the right thing one last time before you leave office. I and many other patriotic Americans will be disappointed in you if you don't. Of course you will make the illegals and Phillipe Calderon happy if you don't. The question you have to ask yourself is, where do your loyalties lie? With America, or with Mexico and a bunch of criminals trying to get in here illegally? It appears it may be the latter and that is unfortunate and sad.

Thank you President Bush for your service to this country. I haven't agreed with you 100% on everything you've done, but I commend you for your willingness to give it a go. I believe you sincerely believe you were looking out for America's best interests, we just had different opinions on what those best interests were at times. And, in four to eight years we may all be wishing we had you back after Obama has his way with our country. God bless you President Bush, and God bless America. We are going to need it in the upcoming years more than ever.

Jim Chitty

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