Friday, January 2, 2009

It's Bush's fault

The trouble with our economy is Bush's fault. Global warming is Bush's fault. All the turmoil and trouble abroad is Bush's fault. The bank and automobile companies failing is Bush's fault. If you wake up in the morning and can't find your keys, that will be Bush's fault. If you stub your toe walking through your house in the dark, that's Bush's fault. If you have a flat tire, that's Bush's fault. If you're Internet connection runs painfully slow, that must be Bush's fault as well.

Since it has become so fashionable to blame President Bush for all the world's problems, I thought I would have a little fun with the ridiculous notion that everything that goes wrong is his fault. It must be a sad, pathetic existence to go around hating someone enough to blame them for so much bad stuff. To be so wrapped up in blind hatred that it clouds ones ability to think clearly.

Our economic problems are not Bush's fault. In fact, blame for the high rate of foreclosures and bank failures can be laid directly at the feet the Clinton Admininstration. It was legislation he proposed and got passed that forced banks to make all these bad loans. yet still, somehow this is Bush's fault??

Global warming isn't even a legitimate crisis. Just more fearmongering tactics so Al Gore and others can line their pockets. The truth is, the Earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. It is normal and natural and IS NOT man made. It is simply the Earth functioning exactly the way God, and yes I said God, designed and created it to function. So remember, when the Earth's average overall temperature rises another blistering degree, or when it drops a degree or two and these same fearmongers are trying to make us believe another ice age is eminent, it will all be Bush's fault.

It takes very few functioning brain cells if any at all to come up with something so lame as to blame Bush for all the world's problems. It takes even fewer to buy into all that rhetoric and follow in lock-step with it and join the blame game. No, President Bush hasn't done everything right. That's called being human and prone to make mistakes. And guess what. I hate to burst all of your bubbles out there, but this new guy coming into office, you know, the one that 67 million Americans DID NOT vote for but he managed to get elected anyway, he is human and will make mistakes too. Despite what some were led to believe, Obama IS NOT the Messiah. There has only been one Messiah and His Name is Jesus. Perhaps you've heard of Him??

Don't be fooled people. Whatever is wrong in America, in the world, and even in your personal life is not Bush's fault. Man up or woman up and realize that some of the problems might even be your own fault and take responsibility for them. Don't expect others to bail you out of the mess you're in. And, in case you are still looking to Obama to be your Saviour from all that's wrong in the world, you need to know that his Marxist/Socialist ideas and policies will make things worse not better. Turn on what few functioning brain cells you have left and give it some thought.

Jim Chitty

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