Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Democrats: Hypocrites on parade.

As I reflect back on the events that officially kicked off the train wreck that will be the Obama presidency, last Tuesday's Inauguration, I have some observations I would like to share.

I know, it was a historic event with him being our first black President, I get that and I understand the historical significance of it. What I don't get is everyone carrying on like it was the second coming of Christ or something. If you strip away the historical aspect of him being the first black President, what you have left is simply just another in a long line of inaugurations. We have them every four years. Big deal. Been there, done that. We'll have another on in 2012. Only then, for America's sake, let's hope and pray it is a Conservative being inaugurated.

Lot's of things about the inauguration made me almost ill. Not the least of which were the behavior of the new president and his two million mind numbed robot groupies there in attendance. Their classless behavior in booing the now former President Bush, and President Barack Hussein Obama himself getting up and ripping his predecessor in his speech made me want to wretch. Yet, if the shoe was on the other foot and we did that to them, they would call us racists and want us hung at high noon. Of course, the hard,cold truth is, 99% of Conservatives no matter how much we disagree with President Barack Hussein Obama and his policies would never stoop to the level of showing him that kind of disrespect.

Then there were the next group of mind numbed robots, President Barack Hussein Obama's personal cheering section and public relations firm, the puppets in the mainstream Liberal media. They showed their true colors by going on and on about how grand and glorious this event was and how wonderful the big inaugural balls were going to be. Funny, I seem to remember four years ago how they ripped former-President Bush and the Republican Party for spending $42 million on his inauguration, which is almost a third less than the $120 million spent by the Democrats and President Barack Hussein Obama. They ragged on former-President Bush for spending that money during tough economic times.

Tough economic times back then?? The same people who bend over backwards to tell us how times are tougher now then they have ever been in this country praise President Barack Hussein Obama for spending three times more during these tough times than his predecessor did when things were better. All of the major broadcast and print media outlets in this country, with the possible exceptions of Fox News, USA Radio Network, and SRN News were guilty of this obvious bias. And the even sadder part is, they don't see anything wrong with it.

They blatantly disrespected former-President Bush in another way too that was even more disgusting than what I just talked about. Pay close attention to broadcast and print news stories in the future and you will see that I am right. YouTube some of the broadcasts from inauguration day and you'll see what I am talking about.

Whenever they talk about Bill Clinton they refer to him as "former-President Clinton". Whenever they talk about our new president they refer to him as "President Obama". When they talk about George Bush though, they just refer to him as "Bush". They say it with such disgust and disdain that you would think they think they are uttering some sort of hideous vulgarity. If you measure media credibility on a scale of one to ten, these guys now have a rating in the negative numbers.

Here is another cold, hard reality about Liberalism, they want us to conform to their alleged ideals while they don't have to. They want to force all of us to become Prius driving tree huggers in an effort to reverse "global warming" while they continue driving around in their Escalades and flying in their private jets.

They want all the rest of us who work hard and try our best to do the right things to pay more in taxes so those who don't can get the government freebies. They say they are going to only tax "the rich". It's just that their definition of rich keeps changing. The income level that determines whether or not someone is rich keeps getting lower and lower thus pulling more and more people into this category.

They want to put the burden of paying for all these new government programs on the backs of those of us who are living paycheck to paycheck and barely making it as it is. The truth is liberalism seeks to give away things it doesn't own, like the money we work hard for. No government can give something to someone that it has not first taken from someone else. Think about this next time you find yourself thinking you would like to have some of these so-called freebies.
Someone has to pay for all of these programs. Stop for just a second and think about which one of your family members, neighbors, or co-workers is suffering and having to do without because you are reaping the benefits of what is being taken from them.

The Democrat party and their new president spent $120 million on the inauguration and all of it's trappings. That money could have gone a long way to helping those that they claim to care so much about and claim to want to help. The truth is, you won't catch any fat cat Democrats like Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, or even Barack Hussein Obama dipping into their personal fortunes to fund any of these programs they tout. No, they would rather pass laws that force us to fund them while their personal fortunes increase and while they try to guilt trip us because we get a raise in pay or are able to improve our station in life.

This all just goes to prove that the Democrat Party and President Barack Hussein Obama are not "America's, Hope", but rather America's Hype and some of America's biggest hypocrites. Them, and all their followers and supporters.

Jim Chitty

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