Thursday, January 20, 2011


Our soon to be ex-president got on TV recently and called for all Americans to “tone down the rhetoric” when debating political matters. This was of course shortly after the tragic shooting in Tucson Arizona that killed six and injured fourteen. To hear Democrats and the Obamunist media tell it, Conservatism created the thoughts, Sarah Palin aimed the weapon, and Rush Limbaugh pulled the trigger. The deranged shooter Jared Loughner was just along for the ride and just another victim of the evils of Conservatism and talk radio.

Oh yeah, that sounds like civil discourse to me. So does Obama wondering “whose ass to kick” in regards to the BP oil spill. It was the height of civility when he said “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun”, or telling his supporters during the campaign to “get in their faces”. Democrat House members said that Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare were no different than Nazi propaganda.

It was the Liberal politicians and media types who bent over backwards to deride and make fun of Jenna and Barbara Bush when their dad was in the White House. And in typical Liberal fashion, a lot of what they said was totally untrue. But you let someone even mention in passing that one of the Obama daughters even has so much as a hair our of place and the plans for that person’s lynching are set in motion.

George W. Bush mispronounced a few words and was considered the village idiot for it. Yet, our soon to be ex-president Hussein Obama claimed he visited “57 states” during his campaign and only had “6 more to go”. He doesn’t even know how many states the country he is allegedly president of has. He called for kids with asthma to be put on “beathalyzers”, then “inhalators”. At a Memorial Day speech he said we should honor those who have fallen protecting out land “many of whom are in crowd today”.  All of this and yet he is somehow still regarded as the Messiah and the Anointed One and our most brilliant leader. Misleader would be more accurate.

You let one of us try to correct one of his afore mentioned errors and we are evil, hateful, mean-spirited, racist bigots. Let “W” mispronounce “nuclear” and he is declared a moron and unfit to serve as president. Just some dumb hick redneck from Texas who lucked into the presidency. Never mind that fact that he is a Yale graduate. No, he’s as dumb as a box of rocks. Really?? I bet he knows how many states there are.

Don’t be fooled, to this cast of bumbling buffoons, a “more civil discourse” and “toning down the rhetoric” means that those of us who oppose their policies are to be silenced. Disagreeing with them equals hate in their twisted and vacant minds. It means they can say whatever they want, but we Conservatives must remain silent and keep our hateful, violent talk of lower taxes, smaller government, and national sovereignty and security to ourselves lest we create another Jared Loughner. Or even worse, God forbid, another Rush Limbaugh.

I say let’s ratchet up the tone of the rhetoric a bit. Let’s be even more vigilant in our opposition to their destructive policies and ideas. Let’s stick to our guns. Let’s set our sites on their policies and blow them out of the water. Let’s stay cocked, locked, and loaded, ready to defeat them at every turn.  And when it comes time to engage them in a debate or discussion of policy differences, then let’s take careful aim and fire when ready, not holding anything back.

They have to try to silence their opponents because they know there is no way in heck they could ever win a debate with us. Our policies would prevail every time and we would beat them like a red headed step child.

So come an America, join me in ratcheting up the discourse. Join me in putting their Marxist, Socialist, anti-American policies squarely in the crosshairs of debate and shooting their arguments full of holes. They are such easy targets and they give us all the ammo we need every time they shoot off their mouths.

Jim L. Chitty

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