Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You decide.

Obama tells us to serve Satan?

I'm going to pretend I am Fox News on this one. I'm going to report the story, and let you decide what you think. This YouTube video seems to want us to think that Obama is telling Americans to serve Satan through a backward message in one of his speeches. It centers on his use of the phrase "let me express...". The maker of the video claims he recorded the same words into the digital audio editing software Audacity and got a different message when he reversed the waveform.

I own and frequently use an audio editing program called Cool Edit Pro 2.1. I recorded the words "let me express" into Cool Edit, clicked on the "tools" tab, then clicked on "effects, then clicked on "reverse". To my shock and disbelief, my recording of the words "let me express" when reversed, yielded the same result as the reversing of Obama's "let me express". I clearly, and unmistakeably heard the words "serve Satan".

What do we take away from this? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe that is just the result of the vocal pattern of that phrase when reversed no matter who says it. I don't know. I do know that the YouTube video seems to want us to believe that Obama is secretly a Sataninst and wants to use this example as proof. I am not an Obama fan by any stretch, but I would say not so fast on that accusation. Why? I AM NOT a Satan worshipper, secretly or openly. I am a Christian. Yet my recording of the words "let me express" when digitally played backwards also produced the words "serve Satan".

I would challenge and encourage anyone willing to try it, if you have some type of digital audio editing software like my Cool Edit, or Audacity, or Adobe Audition, something along those lines, to try this for yourself, see what results you get, and draw your own conclusion. My conclusion for now is inconclusive. There is enough "reasonable doubt" there for me to hold off on jumping on the "Obama's a Satanist" bandwagon. Still, the video and my personal experiment brought forth some chilling and interesting results.

Jim L. Chitty

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