Thursday, April 22, 2010

South Park episode upsets Muslims

Muslim's outraged

Muslims are up in arms over the cable TV show South Park's depiction of the prophet Mohammed dressed in bear suit. I personally find it an outrage that a show like South Park even exists, so I really don't see what the big deal is. I mean, where was the outrage over the depiction of Jesus on the cross in a jar of urine. Christians expressed outrage, but those who did were treated like whackos or crazies. The depiction was haled as a triumph of free speech and free expression. And those who expressed outrage were said to want to thwart these freedoms.

Let Muslims get outraged over a depiction of Mohammed, who I will call Mo from this point on, as a harmless teddy bear though and they must be taken seriously. How dare anyone diss their beloved Mo. And, apparently this gives them the right to threaten to hurt or kill the producers of the show. All of this, and we're supposed to treat them with respect and consider them a peace loving religion?

South Park is a dispicable show in many way, but the depiction of Mo as a teddy bear is extremely harmless and not worth being outraged over. Many so-called artists depict Jesus as being gay or something else, and this is somehow art worth of respect. But Mo being portrayed as teddy bear is somehow worse than Jesus being in jar of urine or made out to be gay.

The creators and producers of South Park are cowardly wimps for sensoring the show because of the outrage and the death threats. There are much better reasons to sensor that God awful show than this portrayal of Mo.

The Muslims are the ones who should apologize and be censoring and muzzling their speech. They are the dispicable ones. Making death threats, supporting and funding terrorism. They have no right whatsoever to be upset over this. They need to get over it.

Jim L. Chitty

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