Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's about time!!

Nebraska passes new abortion laws.

As the link above suggestes, Nebraska has signed into law some of the toughest restrictions on the murder of the innocent unborn of any state in the nation. All I can say is, it's about time. We have been legally murdering our next generations for decades now in America, and it is high time someone stands up and puts a stop to it.

Then you have this Nacy Northrup person with The Center For Reproductive Rights apparently posturing for a challenge to the law making a statement like "Courts have been chipping away at abortion rights...this would be like taking a huge hacksaw to those rights." There should NEVER be a right to take the life of an innocent, unborn child. These preceived so-called rights don't need to be chipped away at, they need to be nuked with an atom bomb.

Am I the only one who sees the irony and contradiction in the fact that a person can take a knife and carve up another person like a Thanksgiving turkey, get arrested, go to jail, and be put to death for his crime, but a woman can walk into an office of a murderer posing as a physician and have the exact same thing done to the life growing inside of her, and both she and the doctor walk away scott free?? Doesn't sound exactly fair to me.

And, to set the record straight on the terminology, if it has a heartbeat, it is not a fetus, it is a child. A tiny little human being growing and developing in the womb, not some nebulus blob that is just there. Fetuses don't have heartbeats, babies do. To kill or destroy one of these babies is to commit one of the most cruel, senseless, and dispicable acts of murder imaginable. And to support such heinous killing requires a heart and soul devoid of any compassion, sensibility, or logic. Abortion supporters are among the lowest forms of life I can think of.

So my hat is off to the state of Nebraska for embracing such a measure, and to governor Dave Heineman for signing it into law. More states, all of them that don't already have similar laws, should follow this example. Our future as a nation and as a people depends on it.

Jim L. Chitty

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