Saturday, April 24, 2010

11 year-old pregnant rape victim wants baby - FOX News Exclusive

Abortion rights groups up in arms

This story is one of the most blatant examples of something that should have been evident all along, the FACT that those who are in favor of abortion rights don't give a rat's backside about the moms or babies involved. They only care about 2 things; their agenda, and making sure they kill as many babies as they can.

The child in this story, both are adamant about having this baby. It is what they want. No pro-life group is pressuring them to do it, it is their decision. In sharp contrast, pro-abortion groups are pressuring them, threatening legal action to force them to abort, even going so far as to make this girl the poster child for their cause.

Little babies, regardless of how they are conceived, are innocent. When a child is conceived during a rape, in many ways that unplanned child is as much a victim of the rape as its mother. God help us when we become a society that kills its innocent victims. Oh, wait, we already are. God help us. Then again, why should He? If we are going to take someone's life after a rape is committed how about we consider taking the life of the rapist. Now that's fair. That's justice. No, these activists would rather murder the innocent victim and stand up for the rights of the rapist.

Pro-abortion activists like the ones in this story are the lowest of the low. Almost as low and despicable as the so-called doctors who actually perform the abortions. How a physician who takes the Hippocratic oath to "do no harm" can justify one of these procedures is beyond me. I do not envy these doctors, and these activists promoting the murder of the innocent unborn, when they have to stand before God one day and be judged for their actions.

I also do not envy those who kill abortion providers, activists, or bomb abortion clinic at the final judgement either. To me, they are just as low and despicable as those they are trying to stop. They give those of us who are truly pro-life an undeserved bad rep.

I applaud this girl and her mom for sticking up for what they believe is right. They are not pro-life activists out trying to further their cause. They are just everyday people, standing up for their heartfelt beliefs and rights. That's why they are perceived as a such a threat.

Jim L. Chitty

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