Thursday, March 6, 2008

Is Bush endorsement kiss of death for McCain?

I have to wonder, with President Bush being as unpopular as he is with many Americans right now, is his endorsement of John McCain the kiss of death not only for the McCain campaign, but also for any hope of a GOP win in November? George Bush, who like McCain is stellar in his views concerning the war on terrorism, is also like McCain in the fact that neither of them is a shining example of true Conservatism.

Basically, what we have is a sitting president who is at best a half Conservative endorsing a Liberal pretending to be a Republican and calling himself a Conservative. You can go home every night, park yourself in the garage, and call yourself a car, but it won't make you one. John McCain and the elite Republican establishment types can call McCain a Conservative all they want, but it doesn't make him one.

John McCain is nowhere near the standard bearer for Reagan-style Conservatism that he and others would have us believe he is. He's not even in the same time zone. His McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy bills should be enough to convince anyone of this. Anyone who is paying attention that is.

McCain's candidacy is bad for the GOP and a potential McCain presidency is bad for America. Some would argue not as bad as a Clinton or Obama presidency. I'm not so sure about that. They're all bad, just in different ways. But, bad is bad no matter how you slice it.

Jim Chitty

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