Sunday, March 2, 2008

America hangs in the balance

I know, understand, and even to some degree share the frustration that many feel over the lack of stellar presidential candidates out there currently. I can even understand that lack leading some to not want to vote at all. However, voting is the best, really the only way that you and I, the average American citizen can affect change in the people and policies of government that we disagree with. To not vote at all is the exactly the same as saying you're perfectly okay with things as they are.

Not only that, but there is also the fact that many brave men and women have fought and died to protect and defend your right and freedom to vote. To not exercise that inalienable, God-given right cheapens their sacrifice. Don't make their efforts be in vain.

Equally as important as voting, is voting right. Voting for candidates and political parties that protect, defend, and boldly stand up for faith, family, and freedom. Voting for candidates who believe in respecting and defending the Constitution. Voting for candidates who believe in life, liberty, national sovereignty and security, lower taxes, and smaller, less intrusive government. Voting for anything less is bad for America.

As the March Primary and the November general election rapidly approach, America's future hangs in the balance. Please don't shirk your responsibility to vote. Now, more than ever, your vote and mine count in a big way. Our country is well-served by having active, informed voters. Educate and inform yourself on the candidates and the issues, then proudly and confidently cast your vote in the upcoming elections. America is counting on you!! Don't let her down!!!

Jim Chitty

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