Sunday, March 2, 2008

Despite popular belief, Huckabee can still win

The Republican elite establishment crowd would have us all believe that the race for the party's nomination is over and McCain has already won. He's their guy and they are heavily invested in making sure he wins. For this reason they are going to great lengths to try and discourage us all from voting for Mike Huckabee. After all, why vote for a guy who can't possibly win? Why not back the clear front- runner? WAKE-UP CONSERVATIVES!! Don't be lulled into a false sense of inevitability. Don't let these bozos cram a Conservative wannabe like McCain down our throats. There is a clear Conservative choice out there, and that is Mike Huckabee.

The truth is, if enough of us pay attention and vote according to our core values and beliefs we can propel Huckabee forward. We might even create enough of a backlash that we keep McCain from getting the number of delegates needed to lock in the nomination, thus causing debate and discussion at the Republican National Convention and forcing a vote among those in attendance. That could change everything.

Let's take a cue from the Democrats. Recently the polls showed Obama leading Hillary in New Hampshire. Instead of just lying down and accepting defeat, Hillary's people mobilized and got out the vote and she won the state's primary. We have been told for years that Hillary is the heir-apparent to the Democrat nomination. We have been told that instead of a nomination, there would be a coronation. She was the candidate of inevitability. Now Obama is the clear front-runner in that race because Democrat voters didn't succumb to the perceived inevitability and instead voted according to their beliefs and their conscience and not according to the edicts dictated to them by party leaders. That very same strategy can and will work for us.

The reality is, it ain't over until the fat lady sings, and she hasn't even so much as cleared her throat yet. It's not too late to vote for and nominate the only Conservative left in the race. He's not as Conservative as I would like in some areas, but he's far and away better than the liberal thinly disguised as a Conservative that is John McCain. Stand up and be counted!! Vote FOR America! Vote FOR faith, family, and freedom! Vote FOR Mike Huckabee!!

Jim Chitty

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