Monday, December 31, 2007

Woman kicked off bus for reading Bible to her kids.

FORT WORTH, TX - Christine Lutz was riding Fort Worth's "T" bus on Sunday morning reading her bible to her 2 kids. No passengers were complaining, no one seemed to mind. No one that is but the bus driver. He apparently has a problem with or feels intimidated and/or threatened by The Word of God. He asked her to stop reading to her kids. She said "no". A little while later, a manager for the bus line escorted Lutz and her 2 kids off of the bus.

The bus line will claim, and most likely successfully, that the reason she was removed was because she refused to comply with the driver's request to stop reading to her kids. What they will NEVER admit or own up to is the FACT that the driver had NO RIGHT to ask her to stop. She has the exact same free speech, free expression, and freedom of religion rights that he does.

That's the problem with the anti-God or anti-Christianity crowd. They stand up, speak out and demand that their free speech rights and their right to practice a different religion or no religion at all be honored, respected, and welcomed with open arms. But you let a Christian exercise their very same God-given free speech and religion rights and somehow this is reprehensible and has to be stopped. Silence the opposition. Selective free speech and freedom of religion, that's what that is. That ground you feel shaking beneath your feet is our founding fathers spinning in their graves.

This country was founded on CHRISTIAN principles by CHRISTIAN men. Christianity IS the religious heritage of our nation whether these Godless bozos like it or not. The Pilgrims didn't leave England because they wanted to freely practice Islam, Bhuddism, Satanism, atheism, or any others ism. They fled England to seek a place where they could freely practice Christianity and thus founded America.

The concepts of free speech and freedom of religion have been so hijacked and so corrupted by political correctness and the sickening liberal buzz words "tolerance" and "diversity" that if our founding fathers could come back to life they would not recognize this nation that they founded. They would be thoroughly saddened and sickened by such a rape of the Constitution.

We have got take our country back and not allow things like this bus incident go unchecked. I encourage any and everyone who loves freedom, liberty, and loves God and His Word to NEVER spend another dime on the Fort Worth "T" buses unless and until they publicly admit that their driver was wrong and they were wrong to back him up and publicly apologize to Ms. Lutz and her children for the way they were treated. They don't deserve on penny of our money. Don't give it to them.

Jim Chitty

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