Monday, December 31, 2007

These people need our help.

Am I the only one who has noticed that it seems like most if not all of our retailers, media outlets and employers have become stupid when it comes to a certain December holiday? It's like they're not smart enough to know that the day we observe on December 25 actually has a name, and it's name is Christmas. They seem content in their ignorance and apparently choose to stay that way. I guess they really believe that ignorance is bliss.

I have to wonder though if they are this devoid of even the slightest shred of intelligence, how did they rise to the top of their chosen professions? I mean, you don't have to have a college degree to know that we here in America celebrate Christmas on December 25. Even toddlers know this much. I guess all of these retailers, executives, and broadcasters are not even as smart as a 5 year-old, let alone a 5th grader.

What's even more sad and pathetic is that many of our government agencies have lost their minds as well. They always refer to the "holiday" or they wish people "season's greetings". Christmas isn't a season. It occurs in a season, winter, but it is not a season by itself. They are in charge of our cities, counties, states, and even our nation, and they don't even know the seasons or the proper name of a particular holiday?

The saddest thing of all is the fact that all of these poor deprived souls think they are the smart ones, the enlightened ones. They don't realize just how dumb and devoid of logic, reason, and common sense political correctness really is. Political correctness is not smart. It is not enlightened. It dumbs down the meaning of words and strips away all logic and reason from debates and discussions.

I don't hate these political correctness lovers, I pity them. They are a sad lot indeed. If you happen to run across some poor soul who has traded wisdom and intelligence for political correctness, please take a few minutes to try and help them re-learn what they once new. Let your logic and common sense infect them so they don't have spend another Christmas in the dark. You'll be doing them, and your fellow man a great service.

Jim Chitty

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