Monday, December 31, 2007

Texan of the Year

Those bozos at the that liberal rag The Dallas Morning News have done it again. You'll never guess who they've named "Texan of the Year" for 2007. Not George W. Bush, not Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and not Dallas Cowboys' Owner Jerry Jones, even though the latter were up for consideration. No, they named the illegal immigrant as "Texan of the Year".

Now, there is so much wrong with this that I almost don't know where to begin. Aside from the obvious and very belabored point that you don't reward law-breaking under any circumstance for any reason, is the larger fact that words mean things. To call someone a "Texan" implies that they are a legal citizen of the state and of the United States. These illegals are neither. They are not Texans by definition, therefore they cannot be "Texan of the Year".

DMN claims that they chose them because of the impact they have had on the news and on the everyday lives of countless Texans. I don't dispute the fact that they have had such an impact. They have a very detrimental impact on our economy and on the rule of law. That doesn't in any way justify this newspaper honoring them in such a way. But, it shouldn't surprise anyone that they would try to prop up their liberal agenda by attempting to legitimize criminal behavior.

Jim Chitty

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