Thursday, February 17, 2011

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Walker trying to save Wisconsin

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is a champion of Conservatism. The newly elected Republican governor was handed a state mired in decades of debt brought about mostly by the ever increasing cost of benefits provided to members of the public employees labor unions.

Walker has introduced a measure that would take away the collective bargaining power of the unions except in the case of salaries. The unions representing police and firefighters are exempt from this legislation.

State employees gathered in protest at the state capitol. Walker, whose car and home have been attacked, sent his wife and kids to an undisclosed location for their safety. The state's House Majority Leader did the same thing. Walker has the National Guard standing at the ready just in case things get out of hand. So much for the new civility that our soon to be ex-president called for. And, as always, it is Liberals and Democrats, not Conservatives, that are spewing all the hate and violence.

What are these protesters so up in arms about? Governor Walker's legislation would require state employees to actually contribute money to their own pension and health insurance plans. Oh the horror! How dare they ask someone to pay for  such a privilege. Next thing you know they will be asking them to pay for their own groceries, gasoline, cars, homes, and other luxuries. God forbid someone actually expect people to carry their own weight.

Teachers have walked away from their classrooms to join in the protests. Clearly they are putting the interests of the kids they have abandoned ahead of their own. There are a lot people out of work in Wisconsin, and I bet every one of them is supremely more qualified than the so-called educators who have abandoned their classrooms. Governor Walker should fire every last one of them and replace them with some of those long unemployed.

Peckers sound off against "Hosni" Walker

And now, The Green Bay Peckers, and yes I meant to say Peckers because that is exactly what they are acting like, have weighed in on the issue. Representatives of the team had this to say: 

“We know that it is teamwork on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn’t have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans. It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work. The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin’s long standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work. These public workers are Wisconsin’s champions every single day and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.”

Super Bowl MVP QB Aaron Rodgers is The Packers NFL Players Union Representative in negotiations with the NFL. The players' union released the following statement:

“The NFL Players Association will always support efforts protecting a worker’s right to join a union and collectively bargain. Today, the NFLPA stands in solidarity with its organized labor brothers and sisters in Wisconsin.”
Here's the dirty little secret that the NFLPA is either unaware of or ignoring on purpose, public employees in Wisconsin HAVE NO CHOICE. They are forced to join the union. No one is taking away anyone's rights. Governor Walker is looking out for our children and grandchildren by trying to stop the bleeding of cash from his state.
For decades the Wisconsin government was controlled by the teacher's union with one governor after another being nothing more than a puppet who did what he was told to do by the thug union bosses. Now, this governor, Scott Walker, is taking the control back away from the union and putting back where it belongs, in the hands of the people who elected him. That is why the teachers are having such a hissy fit. They are no longer calling the shots.
My Two Cents Worth proudly stands with Governor Walker and his efforts to do the right thing in his state. He is doing what he was sent there to do. It's time for the public employee union members to be big boys and girls, or at least act like it, and realize that they lost and are no longer in power. And, to those of you are calling Governor Walker "Hitler" and "Hosni", you are only showing off your stupidity. The thug union bosses were way more like dictators than Governor Walker.

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