Friday, December 11, 2009

See Dick. See Dick propagandize. Don’t be a Dick.

And don’t watch ANY TV show or movie that Dick Wolf has had even the slightest hand in making, producing, or directing.

The bastion of conservatism that is Yahoo news (note my sarcasm) ran a story today about Bill O’Reilly’s criticism of Dick Wolf, creator and executive producer of the Law & Order television empire. O’Reilly accused Wolf basically of being his first name, and I have to say judging from the content of the shows lately, that O’Reilly is right.

An episode of Law & Order SVU that aired earlier this week portrayed what they are calling a crazed anti-immigration activist who set out to kill the children of illegal immigrants. John Laroquette played the part of a man who defended this killer by blaming his actions and attitude on talk radio. Larroquette’s character said “Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, all of 'em, they are like a cancer spreading ignorance and hate...They've convinced folks that immigrants are the problem, not corporations that fail to pay a living wage or a broken health care system...”

There is so much wrong with this statement on so many levels I almost don’t know where to begin in exposing it for the propaganda that it is. I will start by saying that NO ONE on the Conservative side of this issue has an issue with immigration, as long as it is LEGAL immigration. It was legal immigration that ha made this country great in years past. It is ILLEGAL immigration that is in the process of destroying America.

None of us want to see illegal immigrants, or their kids, killed, just deported. The only exception might be those who after they come over here illegally commit some violent act of murder or other atrocity. Then they should be arrested, tried, and face lethal injection like any other murderer would.

Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, Levin, pick your talk host, they are not the cancer that it is eating away at the very fiber of our once great nation. Neither are Conservative bloggers like myself. All we are doing is pointing out the truth about illegal immigration. The real cancers we as a nation need to be concerned about are the cancers of Liberalism, illegal immigration, and the most deadly one of all, political correctness. The Conservative talkers and bloggers are trying to save America. It’s the Dicks of the world who are out to destroy it.

Illegal immigration and illegal immigrants draining our nation’s resources ARE the problem. And, this problem is one the government can and should do something about. What corporations pay is not a concern of government and not something they should be about the business of regulating or controlling. Neither is our health care system. Unless of course you factor in all the FREE health care being given to illegal immigrants that the rest of us have to pay for. That part of the system IS broken and needs to be fixed and fixed NOW.

I did not see the specific episode that has O’Reilly in an uproar, but I have noticed similar episodes of the shows in the franchise that have been nothing but propaganda pieces spouting the Liberal Democrat, even socialist party line and talking points. There is one I remember where an executive from an insurance company was being sought for murder because the company denied a procedure not covered under the plan and someone died. Another prime example of Dick being just that. I can assure you I will not be watching any of these Dick produced shows any more.

So this begs the question, are you an American, or are you a Dick? You can’t be both. We know which one Dick Wolf is, and he certainly is not an American. Don’t be a Dick.

Jim L. Chitty


“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”

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