Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The “Holiday” has a name

Everywhere I go this time of year, I hear “happy holidays”, or “season’s greetings” or “what are you doing over the holiday?” Has everyone forgotten that the holiday has a name?? It does, and the name is Christmas. Political correctness dictates that we not use the name Christmas because the obvious reference to “Christ” offends some folks and causes them to get there wittle feewings hurt. TOUGH!!

It is a historical fact that December 25 is the day we set aside here in America, a Christian nation lest we forget, to honor and recognize the birth of Christ. Thus the name Christmas. If you take away all reference to Christ and make it generic, then December 25 loses all of its significance and becomes just another day among the other 364.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have had it. I have had it with the Godless, faithless people in our society who seek to make us change our ways and subjugate our faith to protect them from being offended. The United States Constitution grants no one the right to not be offended. It does grant to every one the right of freedom of religion and freedom of expression. If they want to say ”happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”, then fine. They get to do that. But they don’t get to tell me, or you, that we have to stop saying “Merry Christmas”. It seems however that freedom of religion and freedom of speech only applies to religions other than Christianity these days.

I don’t care what society says, or government dictates, the “holiday” is Christmas and that is exactly what I will call it, like it or not. You will never hear the words “happy holidays” or “season’s greetings” come out of my mouth. I will wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and if the reference to Christ offends them, then that is their problem, not mine. I won’t let the fact that they are easily offended, and are looking for ways to be offended, cause me to change my beliefs or my expression of those beliefs.

You won’t catch me sending generic, non-religious Christmas cards out to those on my list either. Christmas is not just another holiday. It is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Whether those on the left, or those of other faiths or no faith at all like it or not, it is a Christian holiday. And, whether they like it or not, find it offensive or not, I will until the day I die, observe it as such.

I flatly, and steadfastly reject the Godless political correctness that so permeates our once great nation, and I strongly encourage any and everyone reading this to do likewise. Any takers??

Jim L. Chitty


“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”

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