Saturday, December 26, 2009

Comments on items in the news.

Court returns Brazilian boy to American father.

I'm sure we have all heard by now the story of the 9 year-old Brazilian boy who was ordered returned to his American father by the Brazilian Supreme Court. In case you haven't heard, the boy's mother who was also Brazil left America and returned to Brazil when he was very young. When the boy was 5, his mother died and for some rason the Brazilian courts made the boy stay with his step-father in Brazil. The Supreme Court of Brazil finally righted this wrong and retured the boy to his biological father.These facts of the case though are not what I want to comment about. It is the news coverage of the story by the American news media that I want to address with this column.

In typical mainstream media fashion the reporters covering the story got it all wrong. They kept referring to the "fact" that the boy was now being returned to "the father who abandoned him". Keep in mind, it was the boys mother who left his father and took the boy to Brazil. The father didn't leave and had been fighting for custody the entire time. The only things that were abandoned in this story were the father's right to have his son in his life, and journalistic integrity in coverage of the story.

Another egrigious breach of journalistic integrity occurred with the media's hand-wringing about how disadvanteged the young boy was going to be coming to a country where he does not know the language and stressing the importance of his family getting him up to speed in that regared. Interesting. This child who belongs here with his father is being portrayed as disadvantaged by the language barrior and his father's duty to teach him the English language is being emphasized.

At the same time, you have illegal immigrants coming here to America who do not belong here in hte first place and somehow we are expected to adapt, change our ways, and learn their language to accomodate them. I think Santa forgot a couple of very important things this Christmas. he forgot to give the mainstream media common sense and journalistic integrity. All people coming to America should come here legally first and foremost, and they should be the ones expected to adapt, not us. They should learn English.

Man with explosives gets on plane

A man on a Detroit bound flight attempted to set off some explosives he somehow got past TSA screeners, but was thwarted by passengers. My question is, how can this obvious attempt at a terror attack happen under the regin of the Messiah Barack Hussein Obama? His wanting to coddle, reason with, and be nice to terrorists and their sympathizers is suposed to prevent these kinds of things from occurring far more than the cowboy, let's blow things up and kill people approach of former President Bush.

The fact is we were 1000% safer as a nation under Bush than we are under Obama. Don't be at all surprised if we even more stories about such attempts in the near future. God forbid any of them are successful. Ever since the immaculation of Obama in November 2008 I have missed George Bush. This incident iin Detroit should cause America to miss the strength and safety we enjoined under his watch too.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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