Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where's the change?

President Obama ran on a platform of change. He wanted to change all that is supposedly wrong with America. He promised us uneqivocably that there would be change. So my question to President Obama and all of his sycophant supporters is this; where is the change??

When he took office, our economy was in the toilet, banks and automakers were seeking government rescue, people were being laid off by the thousands, and the foreclosure rate was the highest it had ever been. We were fighting wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Global warming was allegedly reaching critical proportions. President Obama promised to change all of that.

Now he is in office and our economy is still in the tank, banks and automakers are still seeking bailout money, people are still being laid off by the thousands, and foreclosures are continuing at the same alarming rate. We are still fighting the wars in in Iraq and Afghanistan. And, we are still about to spontaneously combust from global warming.
Is just me, or does anyone else out there think that they only thing that has changed really is the occupant of the White House??

If President Obama really wants to change what's wrong with America, he needs to start with the man in the mirror. He needs to change the Marxist/Socialist beliefs that he espouses. Unencumbered liberalism and socialism is what's wrong with America, not liberty, freedom, and national security. There is no legislative fix for the Constitution. It is not broken and does not require being fixed.

So, Mr. President, unless you and your cabinet want to resign and give way to someone who are true patriots and truly has America's best interests at heart, then you sir can keep the change. I'll have no part of it. They said it best in the movie Home Alone when they said "keep the change ya filthy animal". I could not agree more!! The only change I am interested in is the kind I can put in a vending machine.

Jim Chitty

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