Saturday, February 14, 2009

An excellent description of Obamanomics and the Porkulus Package.

Rep. McCotter votes "no" on Porkulus after reading angry letter from a jobless constituent from Milford, Michigan.


Dear Congressman McCotter,

I spoke with you on WJR Friday morning and want to thank you for your kindness and patience. I couldn’t get out everything I wanted to say because of my frustration. I would love to talk before Congress and the Senate. I would like to talk to them about the deplorable, reprehensible, and egregious waste they are considering with our tax dollars. I’m sorry this is long, but I want them to see what I see.

The wasteful spending they are considering is unconscionable to me. And I would like to ask them a few questions.

You see, I just lost my job. The company I worked for is eliminating 700 sales positions nationwide, about 15 will be affected in Michigan.

I would like to ask the Congress and Senate if they know what it’s like to sit at the dinner table and tell your 11 year old daughter that she can’t get a school yearbook because we need the money to buy groceries. And the stimulus package wants to give $4 Billion to ACORN, a company, I believe, that is under investigation for voter registration fraud. What jobs are they creating?

Do they know what it’s like to see the tears in your wife’s eyes when you tell her the conference call you were on just eliminated your position? And the stimulus package wants to spend $335 million on STD prevention? What jobs does that create?

Do they know what it feels like to tell your father in law that the daughter I married and promised to provide for that you just lost your job? And Barack Obama spends money on overseas abortions. And then says we need to end the politics of this issue. If he believed that he wouldn’t have done it, his decision was nothing but political. What jobs in the U.S. does that create?

Do they know what it feels like to return the shirts you just bought for work, on clearance, because you really needed new shirts and now you don’t even have a job? And Congress is taking an extra $93,000 each for petty cash increases. And WE are told to cut back on our spending? When I told my 7 year old son we had to make cuts he just wanted to know if we could still have our Sunday morning treat of a donut before we go to church. That’s all he wanted. I said we’d try our best. We’ve made sacrifices but you haven’t.

And do you know how it feels when you hear that companies given bail out money from TARP funds gave $18 Billion in bonuses? I’m wondering if I have enough money to pay my bills for 2 months. All they get is a mild rebuke from Washington saying, “You shouldn’t do that in these tough economic times.” They are an embarrassment. They should be forced to give back the $18 Billion with interest and penalties.

Do they know what it’s like to speak with someone who was in tears over losing their job because they think they’ll lose their house? How about the always upbeat guy who sounded depressed that he could lose his house because he just lost his job? And yet the stimulus package is loaded with pork.

Do you know what it’s like to have another coworker lose their job and are worried their spouse’s could be next? And this stimulus package wants $400 Million for HIV prevention. How does that create jobs?

Do they know how fearful it is to turn your heat down at night to 59 degrees and 65 in the day when your child is asthmatic and it can flare up from the cold? We can’t afford to raise our heat and the stimulus package wants to spend $75 Million on anti smoking ads. How does that create jobs?

By the way that’s $810 Million for pet projects. I have an idea stop having sex until your married and quit smoking! There’s your awareness program, that didn’t cost a dime. If they don’t know by now they don’t care.

The insults you pay to our auto executives when they ask for and interest bearing LOAN by asking them how they flew here. But when the banking industry seemingly makes a few phone calls they have $350 Billion given to them and we don’t even know where it went, except for the $18 Billion.

Do they know about the guy I just met whose entire company just took 20% pay cuts so they wouldn’t have to lay off employees? And this stimulus bill wants Million for sod on the new mall that’s already $600 million over budget. How is that creating jobs?

Recent polls show that less than 50% of Americans approve of this stimulus bill and yet Congress, with their recent 11% approval rating, the worst in history, tries to ram this bill down our throats. The send it to the Democratic Senate and tell us they know what’s best for our country. According to that 11%, I guess. Congress is supposed to govern for the people and not for themselves and yet when less than 50% approve of a plan they approve it anyway.

Why doesn’t the Senate have the guts to reject the pork spending portions of this bill and start over? Why don’t you get off your Ivory tower, pork barrel, ear marked, pet project behinds and do what we need of you?

Congressman McCotter, that’s what I’d like to say to the Senate. I would gladly go before them so they can hear what it’s like in the real world.


Greg from Milford

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