Thursday, February 7, 2008

I haven't left the Republican party, it has left me.

Well, I guess it was bound to happen. It seems like very few years, every 2 or 3 election cycles American voters take leave of their senses and elect the wrong standard bearer for their political party and for their nation. It appears that Republican party primary voters have once again drunk the kool-aid off stupidity in voting for John McCain.

It looks like the 4 term Arizona senator now has a lock on his party's nomination. And now that the only true Conservative left in the race, Mitt Romney, has bowed out that just leaves front-runner McCain, distant second Huckabee, and the psycho nut job Ron Paul as the Republican candidates. I'm not sure we could have done much worse. Is it possible to scrape below the bottom of the barrel?? I think someone has figured out how to do that.

I will stipulate that I have the utmost respect and admiration for Senator McCain's military service and the time he spent as a POW in Vietnam. He is stellar in his views on the war except for his objection to interrogation tactics that some call torture. Lets not forget that he co-authored McCain-Feingold, a fine piece of legislation that rapes American citizens of their God-given Constitutional right of free speech during elections. Let's also not forget that he also co-authored along with Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy, the McCain-Kennedy Bill that would have granted amnesty to over 20 million criminal immigrant invaders. So, yes, McCain will make a fine President if you want open borders and opposing voices silenced. Personally, that is not the kind of America I want to live in.

Many say "sure, McCain has his flaws, but he's a good deal better than Clinton or Obama". Is he really now?? Let's see, he has never been a friend or supporter of Conservative Christians. In fact, he has gone out of his way on many occasions to condemn and ridicule us and our beliefs. Sounds and awful lot like some Democrat candidates I know. He is all for amnesty and the so-called "guest worker" program. He is all for giving taxpayer funded government benefits to people who broke our laws to get here. Sounds again an awful lot like a liberal. In far too many respects other than the war, there is little to no difference between McCain, Clinton, and Obama.

Now, you may say something like "well, McCain is a moderate". And that's supposed to comfort me how just exactly? Allow me to define a moderate to you in terms of political office. A moderate is someone who either stands for nothing, or at best is unsure what he/she stands for. It is very fluid and ever changing. The problem with this is what, you ask? Simple, those are not traits of a leader. A true leader knows what he stands for and stands for it boldly and proudly whether it is popular or not. It was once said "you must stand for something, or you will surely fall for anything". What we need is a leader, not a figurehead. More importantly, we need a leader who will lead us in the right direction and not towards amnesty and other policies detrimental not only to our quality of life, but to our national sovereignty and security.

I excoriated James Dobson a couple of months back for calling for a third party. Well, that sound you hear now is me eating at least some of my words. The Republican party has abandoned principled Conservatism in favor of mushy, middle of the road, watered down Liberalism slickly packaged in a way that somehow appeals to those who aren't paying close enough attention. It has abandoned excellence in favor of mediocrity. It has abandoned common sense in favor of political correctness and expediency. That will be it's undoing too. We are I'm afraid witnessing the demise of the Grand Old Party, and the formation in it's place of a party that is a mere shadow of it's former self.

What America needs is to see the rise out of the ashes of what once was, a new, principled, true, steadfast, unwaivering Conservative party. A party who has leaders who will emulate the greatness of Reagan. Leaders who will stand on principle, not politics. Leaders who will love, support, and promote liberty and freedom, not tolerance and political correctness. Leaders who will do whatever it takes to defend our national security, secure our borders, and lower our taxes whether the Cindy Sheehan's of the world and others like it or not. Surely there has to be at least one of these leaders left on the planet somewhere. I know this much, John McCain is not it. And neither is Mike Huckabee.

Jim Chitty

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