Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Had enough?

Driving through Plano, TX the other day I noticed a huge yard sign in the front yard of a home that read "Had enough? Vote Democratic." This sign just screams out for clarification and I am just the guy for the job. So, I will now from a Conservative perspective, explain what the sign is REALLY saying.

Have you had enough of your God-given Constitutional rights being defended and protected? If so, then by all means vote Democrat. Have you had enough of our nation's sovereignty and security being defended and protected both at home and abroad? If so, then by all means vote Democrat. Have you had enough of relatively low taxes and a slowly but steadily improving economy? If so, vote Democrat and watch it all change drastically for the worse right before your very eyes. Have you had enough of all the things that have made America the greatest nation on the planet? If so, then vote Democrat and do your part to help America become a mere shadow and a sick caricature of her former self.

Personally, I have had enough. I've had enough of political correctness. I've had enough of logic and common sense being tossed aside in favor of "tolerance", "diversity", and other liberal buzz words. I've had enough of the liberal media only reporting one side of the story in order to prop up their political agenda. I've had enough of liberals and liberalism period. I've had enough of the legal cold-blooded murder of the innocent unborn. I've had enough of the legitimization of the gay lifestyle.

I've had enough of the liberal left's hatred and disdain of Christianity and Christians. I've had more than enough of illegal immigration and porous borders. I've had enough of the wrong-headed idea that John McCain and Mike Huckabee are the best choices for Conservatives. I have had more than enough of the misguided notion that the best and only way to fix what is perceived to be wrong with America is to elect the likes of Hitlery Clinton and Barack Osama.

I've had enough alright! That's why I always have and always will vote Conservative!!

Jim Chitty

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