Friday, April 20, 2007

NBC - Nothing But Cho

NBC stooped to new journalistic lows by airing the incoherent ramblings of a psycho after the Virginia Tech carnage. It was reported on radio that NBC showed the video footage recorded by Cho, more times than Cho pulled the trigger on April 16th. That's why I say that NBC stands for Nothing But Cho.

It's pathetic and sad that they think they actually have to stoop low enough to give this guy a platform after his death, in order to boost their ratings. Did they ever once think about the further pain this would inflict on the families and friends of those lost? Of course not. All they saw were ratings numbers and dollar signs.

I am currently in broadcasting school and am learning how to write news copy and what the purpose of broadcast media is. The FCC grants licenses to broadcast entities on the premise that their existence will serve the best interests of the public. And, while the events in Blacksburg on April 16th were certainly newsworthy, still decorum and decency should have factored into the decision. If it had been up to me, I would not have run the videos. NBC should not have run them either. Even some of the survivors said so.

I am not at all surprised that a liberal, mainstream media outlet would stoop to new lows in this regard. they don't care one bit about the open wounds of the survivors and families that they poured large quantities of salt in. NBC could go away tomorrow and I wouldn't care one bit. It might actually make TV a little more watchable. You can do what you want, but I am going to avoid watching NBC as much as possible. I am going to do my part to see that their hoped for ratings spike, turns into a colossal meltdown.

NBC deserve to fade into obscurity for this decision. If I was them, I wouldn't want my legacy or claim to fame to be that gave a crazed psycho a legacy and the opportunity inflict more pain and suffering on his victims AFTER HIS DEATH! Way to go NBC. Imbeciles is more like it.

Jim Chitty

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