Friday, April 20, 2007

Free gun zones, not gun-free zones

The Virginia Tech massacre serves to illustrate the irrelevance of gun-free zones. Do you really think the families of the 32 people killed are comforted by the fact the school was a gun-free zone? I doubt it.

Members of the school's gun club weren't even allowed to have their guns on campus. That makes about as much sense as telling the astronomy club that they can't have their telescopes on campus.

The gun-free zone did nothing but create a target rich environment for the deranged gunman. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. And the fish couldn't shoot back.

A member of the school's gun club said he wishes that he and other club members had had their guns with them that day. He said maybe they could have made a difference. I'm sure they could. I'm sure the death toll would have been a lot less. They might have even stopped the guy dead in his tracks, and I mean that literally.

How do we solve this, you ask? I'm glad you asked. We can stop it by turning gun-free zones into free-gun zones and giving every legal, sane, rational, law-abiding citizen who wants one, a gun. It can be solved by allowing those of us who would never misuse a gun, the ability to have that means of defense and protection on us at all times. No matter where we are.

That's what America needs, more free-gun zones, and fewer gun-free zones.

Jim Chitty

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