Friday, April 20, 2007

Gun control and the Virginia Tech Tragedy

Gun control laws would not have prevented the Virginia Tech shootings. Don’t believe me? Ask Iccho Ito, mayor of Nagasaki Japan, the city with the world's toughest anti-gun laws. Oh, my bad, you can't ask him because it appears he is unavailable for comment because he was shot and killed in his office earlier this week. Fat lot of good his tough gun laws did him. If anti-gun laws work, then someone please explain to me how a killer can get a gun in the city with the world's toughest gun laws??

The fact is, if a killer wants to get a gun bad enough, he'll get it. Law or no law. Someone who is willing and prepared to commit murder, which the last time I checked is still against the law, will not care one whit about any gun law.

Now, I am actually in favor of gun control. Real gun control. The kind that involves a good aim and a steady hand. A gun owner should be in control of his gun at all times. That’s real gun control. Real gun control means you hit what you’re aiming at.

Oh, and dare I even bring the Constitution into this? The second amendment guarantees all legal U.S. citizens the right to own guns. Our founding fathers were smart enough to know that an unarmed populous is a tyrants best friend. Anti-gun laws are unconstitutional. Plain and simple.

People still killed people back before there were guns. Cain didn't shoot Able, but Able is nevertheless just as dead. None of the wars or battles fought in Bible times were fought with guns and yet hundreds, even thousands were killed. The Bible also tells us that Samson killed the entire Philistine army with the jawbone of an ass. If the gun grabbers have their way, we may have to resort to these primitive methods of self-defense once again. Nowadays, you won't find the jawbone of an ass to use, mainly because Rosie O'Donnell, Alec Baldwin, & Al Sharpton are still using their jawbones.

My point is this, back then with all of this killing going on, there were no calls to ban ass jawbones, stones, swords, or whatever else was used to kill people back then. Even though they were not as technologically advanced as we are now, they were apparently smarter than we are from a common sense standpoint because they got it. The problem was the same back then as it is today. The problem today is not a gun problem, it's a people problem.

A gun is an inanimate object. It doesn't have a heart, soul, or mind. It does not possess the ability to choose good or evil. A gun by itself, independent of human involvement, has never killed anyone. It takes a person picking it up and squeezing the trigger. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. The gun is merely a tool. When someone is arrested and charged with murder, does the gun stand trial, or the person who used it?

The fact that these anti-gun types don’t want to recognize, the elephant in the corner if you will, is the fact that more people are killed in America each year by cars, than by guns. If it is truly about saving lives for these people as they claim, then they should call for all cars to be banned NOW! Sadly, the truth is it’s more about propping up an ill-conceived agenda than it is saving lives.

And, if it were appropriate to even think about banning cars like they want to do guns, then the dealers and individuals who sell the cars must be held accountable for the deaths they cause, just like gun dealers must be held accountable for the deaths the guns they sold have caused.

Both notions, by the way, are patently absurd and ridiculous. Someone who sells a gun is no more responsible for the deaths it may cause at the hands of a psycho than are car dealers for the deaths caused by a guy who gets drunk before driving and mows down a family of four.

One person, and one person alone is to blame for the Virginia Tech shootings, and it's not the gun dealer, it's not the NRA, it's not Dick Cheney, and it's not legal law-abiding gun owning citizens. It's the crazed madman who carried out the massacre. No one else. It figures that the gun grabbers would politicize such a horrific tragedy solely to forward their agenda.

They would do far more good praying for the families of those killed, for the injured, and for the survivors who witnessed it. But, since gun grabbers are usually liberals and most liberals detest and despise the notion that there might actually be a God to pray to, then we shouldn't be surprised that rather than pray, they politicize.

Jim Chitty

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