Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama strongly supports Ground Zero mosque

And this surprises us why?? Of course our Muslim alleged president is going to support the building of a mosque. The thing that makes me want to regurgitate everything I have ingested since Christmas dinner 1972 is him saying that a nation built on religious freedom must allow it. This president, who has ridiculed the Bible, prayer, and Christianity in general now tries to cram this mosque down our throats in the name of religious freedom?? I wonder if some mainstream Christian denomination wanted to build a church on that site, or somewhere else controversial if he would come out this strongly in favor of it? My guess is no because we are all infidels who are to be eradicated in the minds of Muslims like our alleged president Hussein Obama.

If the want to build their mosque and Islamic super center somewhere in Manhattan, then fine. I have no problem with that. They have that right in a free country like ours. However, it is very rude and insensitive of them to want to build a mosque on the site of an act of terrorism committed by followers of their religion. It is a great big "up yours" to us from them. If we as Christians wanted to build a church on the site where someone claiming to be one of us had bombed an abortion clinic and killed people, do you think that would be allowed? I highly doubt it!

This not a religious freedom issue no matter how badly our alleged president wants to assert that it is. It is all about promoting Islam and attempting to elevate it above Christianity here in America. It is not about equality of all faiths and religions. It is all about the supremacy of Islam and Sharia law. It is blasphemy against the Constitution to make this a freedom of religion issue.

This is just another in a long list of reasons why this alleged president must go NOW!! Not in 2012, but NOW!! If we wait until 2012 to dispatch this clown, we may not have a country left. Someone please find a legitimate reason to bounce this bozo from office!! If only we could get a look at his birth certificate. If he really was born in the USA as is required to serve as president, then why go to such great effort and lengths to hide the certificate from everyone? If there is no there there, then why cover it up? Because there is a there there, and he knows it, as do all the rest of us!

Jim L. Chitty

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