Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Harry Reid - Open mouth, insert both feet.

Harry Reid made an interesting statement recently that when confronted on it he stood by. "No one of true Hispanic origin would ever be a Republican", Reid said. Allow me if I could to correct the sinister from the state of Nevada. Sinister Reid, no one of true American heritage would ever be a Democrat and vote for the likes of you. No one with an ounce of patriotism and love of freedom and the Constitution would align himself with the party of Socialism. No one with a backbone and functioning brain cells would support or condone your party's agenda.

Rush Limbaugh went so far as to say that "no real man would ever be a Liberal". I must say I have to agree. It takes a spineless wimp, and a jellyfish to wet his finger and stick it in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing and vote, govern, or act accordingly. That requires no courage, no manhood, and no brain power either.

On the other hand, it takes courage of convictions to stand up for life, for liberty, for the rule of law, and for the Constitution. It takes valiant courage to stand against the Marxist/Socialist agenda of the Hussein Obama admenstruation amid accusations of being a racist for doing so. It takes courage and strength of character to stand against illegal immigration, big government spending, and govenrment control of private business.

It takes zero courage or strength of character to take numerous lavish, expensive vacations on the taxpayers' dime while the country you are supposed to be at least attempting to lead is caving in around you. It takes zero courage or strength of character to be out on one golf course after another swatting your balls while the entire Gulf Coast is being threatened by an oil spill that your policies in large part helped to create. It takes zero courage to support Hussein Obama's policies just like it took zero intelligence to vote for him in the first place.

The promised hope and change of the Hussein Obama admenstruation has turned into hoax and chains and hope and blame. He hopes we will fall for his hoax so he can enslave with the chains of Socialism while blaming his predecessor and Conservative polices for all that has gone wrong, while hoping we the people are dumb enough to fall for it. Well, I for one am not. Are you??

Jim Chitty

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