Monday, June 22, 2009

John minus Kate + 8

Well, it's official, the Gosselins are headed for Splitsville. I never really did have a lot of time or energy invested in the show that has become their empire and utlimately their demise, but you could kind of see that things were headed in a less than positive direction for this couple. There is so much wrong with this whole story on so many levels I don't even where is the best place to begin to dissect it all.

The overview, at least for me anyway, is this is a classic case of a situation where it started out as a cute show about a cute couple with an amazing story that quickly turned into a cash cow for both the couple and the network on which the show airs (sorry, no free publicity here). Fame and fortune has apparently gotten the best of them. And, please, spare me all the hand-wringing and complaining about the paparazzi. When you agree to have your family be paraded in front of a national TV audience every week for five years, what exactly do you expect to happen?

I am getting excruciatingly tired of the "we're doing what we do for the kids" mantra that this now un-coupled couple keeps repeating. Making those innocent kids the focus of a media feeding frenzy is not in their best interests. Making celebrities out of them is not in their best interests and is not conducive to anything that even remotely resembles a normal childhood. And dragging them through this firestorm of rumor and innuendo and the three ring media circus that ensued is not even within driving distance of being in the kids' best interests.

I have been through a divorce where a child was involved and it is true what they say, it's always the kids who suffer and who get hurt. Now we see eight innocent little lives that will be shattered because of the greed and slefishness of their so-called parents. Their divorce is not in the best interests of these precious kids. It may be a ratings grab for their show, and it certainly keeps these two in the spotlight, but how exactly does this help those kids??

"The show must go on" said Kate Gosselin on last night's episode, "for the kids". Hey Kate, how about adopting the notion that the marriage must go on for the sake of kids. How about not making them suffer because of your greed and inability to treat your husband, their father, like a human being. How about scarificing your fame, fortune, and the glitz and glamor of the spotlight and try putting a little more effort into saving the marriage and not the show.

Now that I've beat up on Kate a little bit, its John's turn. Can a guy get more unplugged and more checked than this guy? If having all the cameras in your face and all of the paparazzi following you around is such a hassle then why did you agree to do the show in the first place? Rather than own up to your bad judgment you continue to whine to the camera about how much you hate your life now that paparazzi follows you everywhere. You brought it on yourself. And sadly, you also brought it on your kids. They don't deserve that.

I would have a lot more empathy, even sympathy for John and Kate had they not chosen to continue to bask in the limelight of fame while their marriage crashes and burns. They say they are hurting, and they probably are. Divorce is NEVER easy, trust me, I know from experience. A time like this though is not a time to continue to thrust those kids in front of the cameras. Retreating and dealing with everything in private would probably be the best thing for all involved, especially the kids. And it would certainly be best for American TV viewers.

So John and Kate, if you really want what's best for the kids, then cancel the show and don't make them have to go through this divorce for all the world to see. It won't do them, you, or the viewing public any good at all.

Jim Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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