Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....

Kinda sounds like a Beach Boys tune, doesn't it? Well it needs to be our national policy on how to deal with that murderous thug of a dictator they have over there. It seems pretty obvious that this power hungry tyrant stole the election in light of his attempts to squlech protests. He sent foreign reporters out of the country and even warned bloggers against stirring up dissent. I have news for Mr, Mymood Iminajihad, this blogger plans to stir up as much dissent and trouble as I possibly can.

This thug needs to be gone. Unfortunately the only way to do that appears to be by making the rubble bounce off the streets of Tehran. Of course our spineless whimp of a so-called leader Obama isn't going to do that. He's been kissing up to Ahmedinijad since before he was ever elected President. As alike as the two of them are, it's no wonder they seem to work so well together. Kindred spirits if I have ever seem them.

A real leader, a real man, like Ronald Reagan would have taken that incompetent boob out long ago. He would have sent our troops over there to take care of business and then told about it the next morning AFTER there was now a giant, smoking crater where Tehran once stood. That is how you solve the problem of guys like Ahmedinijad. You don't reason with them, coddle them, and buddy up to them. And you sure as h e double hockey sticks don't give a big slobbery kiss to his hind quarters like Obama has been doing all along.

I referred to Ahmedinijad as an incompetent boob. Well, boobs usually come in pairs, right? So where's the other incompitent boob. Sadly he is running a country once known as the United States of America which is now looking more and more like the Socialist Republic of Obamastan. Not even the sexiest, racist thing Victoria's Secret has to offer can make this pair of boobs look good either.

The sad fact is, America and Iran both need a major boob job. And I'm not talking about a boob reduction either. I'm talking about a total removal. For Iran, they need one big boom to remove their boob. Here in America, we need a grass-roots uprising at the ballot box to vote our boob back to the relative obscurity that he so richly deserves. America's future depends on this boobectomy. Let's all do our part to make sure it happens.

Jim Chitty
"There are Americans, and there
are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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