Thursday, December 4, 2008

What REALLY matters.

America has just elected Barack Obama as our next President, much to the delight of many and the chagrin of others. Count me in the chagrin category. I am very concerned about the Marxist/Socialist views he holds and expresses. I do however recognize and appreciate the historical significance of electing the country's first ever black President. A lot has been said, is being said, and will be said about the events that unfolded on November 4, some positive and some negative.

That being said, we need to look at what's really important. It really doesn't matter who our president is. What matters is, who is our King and how would He want us to respond to Obama's election? I personally believe that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and that he would want us to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and wait and see what he actually does as opposed to what he says, before we pass judgment. If he governs according to the Marxist/Socialist views he espoused during the election, then America is in deep trouble. And that is not passing judgment, that is stating an indisputable fact. If he does govern more conservatively than he campaigned, then we will survive. Afterall, we survived 4 years of Jimmy Carter and 8 years of Slick Willy Clinton.

The fact is, regardless of who is elected President, ultimately Jesus is still King and has everything under control. Why he allowed Obama to be elected I may never know while here on this earth. It could be that we need to go through some times to appreciate how good we had it under the somewhat conservative Bush. The Obama/Biden experience may cause us to get our collective act together, do the right thing, and elect a true, solid Conservative next time around. One can only hope and pray that is the case, and this one will do just that.

Jim Chitty

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