Thursday, July 26, 2007

A War or A Game?

Our illustrious politicians in DC have apparently forgotten that we are in a war and seem to think we are merely playing some sort of game. Here’s what I mean. In a war, there is not a pre-determined time that it will end. There is no date certain for cessation, withdrawal, or surrender. You fight until one side wins decisively and one side loses decisively, how ever long that takes.

In a game however, a football game for example, there is a pre-determined time of four 15 minute quarters to play the game. Whoever has scored the most points in that four quarters is the winner. Baseball has nine innings, NASCAR has a set number of miles and laps. You get the picture.

To call for a date certain for withdrawal is their defacto acknowledgement that they think were in a game and not at war, and they are calling for us to forfeit the game. They are asking our brave troops in the trenches to just give up. Those of us who are decent, freedom loving Americans must not allow these bozos in our nation’s crapital to succeed in planning and scheduling our defeat in Iraq. We must stay in it until we win it.

We were in Germany four about four years, and a little less than that in Japan. We won clearly and decisively in both conflicts. Why can’t we do that now you ask? Simple, we are fighting a war of half measures which really isn’t a war at all compared to those famous battles. We are more concerned about being politically correct and not hurting innocent civilians than we are about protecting our own troops and winning the fight. In Dresden Germany, what is best described as a 10 foot high wall of fire moving at 100mph consumed every person, place, and thing in it’s path. It sent a message to Hitler and his nazis that we were serious and they were doomed.

The same thing happened in Japan when we turned Hiroshima and Nagasaki into glowing green glass thanks to our nuclear weapons. It sent them a message that if they were going to come over to our country and bomb one of our military installations (Pearl Harbor), we were going to make them pay and pay dearly. And that we did. We didn’t care about being politically correct. We didn’t care if we made other countries mad at us. We did care about our national security and sending a message that we are not to be trifled with.

The difference is, the Nazis and the Japanese were clearly defined armies wearing the uniforms of their respective countries. We knew exactly who they were and exactly where to find them. The insurgents we are fighting in Iraq dress as normal, everyday people. They hide in shops, in homes, any and everywhere they can. Very often, they get unsuspecting women and children to carry out their suicide sneak attacks so it’s harder to clearly define who exactly is the enemy. They are not the army of a specific country. They are cowards who hide behind innocent women and children while carrying out their dastardly acts.

That’s why, as painful as it may be to think about the loss of innocent life of women and children, a fire bombing like that we unleashed on Dresden, or a nuking like we gave Hiroshima and Nagasaki might be what we have to resort to in Iraq if things don’t start picking up in the next few months. Let’s see what the Petreas report in September says, and go from there. Retreat, surrender, and tucking our tails between our legs is not an option. What we have to decide is, are we as a country ready to consider the drastic measures we have used in past wars to win them clearly and decisively? I am. I’m just not sure our nation as a whole has the stomach or the spine for it.

Jim Chitty

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