Saturday, April 23, 2011

Civility = Thuggery & Thuggery = Civility

That's the Liberal way of doing things. It was they on the left who demanded that we on the right be more civil and not use words that could be even remotely taken in such a way as to incite violence, while they continue to flat out call for the deaths of those who oppose them and their views. Union thugs in Wisconsin made death threats against Gov. Walker and other Republicans who supported his budget cuts.

Now comes this story about a phone call made to Wisconsin gas station suggesting that it would be in their best interests to not do business with a certain Republican State Senator.

Threats made against Wisconsin gas station.

It appears that the call came from a phone number registered to the local school district and was made presumably by a school employee during school hours.

I have always had the utmost respect for teachers and those educate out children, provided of course that they do that, educate, and not indoctrinate. Any so-called teacher who would participate in this kind of thuggery and who behave like the miscreant protestors in Wisconsin did, do not deserve on shred of respect. Making phone calls that offer up not so loosely veiled threats, skipping classes to go protest at the capital and lying about their falsified doctor's notes, trashing the state capital building, and outright threatening the lives of state government officials are activities that do not fall under the job description of a teacher. They are the job description of low-life miscreants, thugs, and criminals. Those are not the kinds of people who should be teaching anyone's children.

This is a clear example of the double standard that exists in our society today. If we criticize the left even by simply saying we disagree with one of their policies, then we are classified as hate-filled, intolerant bigots engaging in hate speech and we must be silenced. Yet that can go out and make death threats against those on our side, and the tell us we have to accept their right to free speech and if we don't, or if we protest what they say, then we are back to being the hate-filled, intolerant bigots while they classify themselves as good Americans.

There is nothing good, nor American about their behavior.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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