Saturday, October 3, 2009

Conservatives are the ones spewing hate??

In a recent rant, well known writer and radio host Garrison Keillor had this to say about the much debated government sponsored health-care fiasco; “ starts to wonder if the country wouldn't be better off without them and if Republicans should be cut out of the health-care system entirely and simply provided with aspirin and hand sanitizer. Thirty-two percent of the population identifies with the GOP, and if we cut off health care to them, we could probably pay off the deficit in short order,” Keillor went on to say; "It's time to dump the dead-end issues that have wasted too much time already. Old men shouldn't be allowed to doze off at the switch and muck up the works for the young who will have to repair the damage. Get over yourselves. Your replacements have arrived, and you should think about them now and then. Enough with the shrieking. Pass health-care reform." If you have been unclear as to the definition of a moron, these quotes from Keillor's column titled Stuck in the Shallows from the September 30 issue of the Chicago Tribune should clear it right up for you.

Most Conservatives like myself, you know, the God-fearing, freedom loving patriots among us, would never say we would like to see all the Liberals die off. I sure wouldn't. I actually kind of enjoy having them around if nothing else for the sheer entertainment value. Especially when they say things as vapid and intellectually vacant as Keillor's comments above. I hope they stay around a long time and keep right on opening their mouths and spewing this kind of drek. The only ones they are hurting are themselves. They would be funny if it wasn't for the sad fact that they actually believe and mean what they say.

Mr. Prairie Home Companion isn't the only nitwit spouting off at the mouth in amazingly stupid ways as of late. Enter Florida Democrat Congressman Allen Grayson who said this; "If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: die quickly," he said. "That's right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." Ahh the rich irony of this statement. Especially coming from a Democrat. The Democrat/Obama Health-care plan is the one that calls for the creation of death panels that evaluate whether or not senior citizens should continue getting the care they need based on arbitrary guidelines. Who wants whom to die quickly?? Need I remind you that it is also the Democrats who support killing people BEFORE they are born in that wonderful little exercise we know as abortion??

Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Democrat Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said back on March 29, 1984. Just thought I would throw this little gem in to the mix in case any of you are laboring under the notion that this hatred of the elderly was something new for the Democrats. A duty to die?? I wonder what his parents and grandparents thought about his assertion?

The truth is, the elephant in the room if you will, that the Democrats do not want you to know about is the FACT that Conservatives do in fact want everyone, young, old, and in between to have reliable and affordable health-care and health insurance. We just don't want the government to use tax dollars to pay for it while they attempt to administer it fairly. We would love to see competition develop between insurance companies and health care providers thus causing prices to decrease and quality to increase. Its called capitalism and the free market system and it works every time it is tried.

This God-fearing, freedom loving, patriotic does not want to see Liberals "die quickly". I would rather see them die an excruciatingly slow and painful death with lots of suffering. JUST KIDDING! As I stated earlier, we need Liberals around. We need them to keep right on doing what they do. The Bible says that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". So when the Garrison Keillors of the world say things like "Republicans should be cut out of the health-care system entirely and simply provided with aspirin and hand sanitizer" it reveals very clearly what is in his heart. And it is not a pretty picture. Everytime one of them opens his mouth and this sludge begins to pour out they show us exactly who they are.

No one on the left is rushing to distance themselves or their party from Keillor's statement either so we can only assume that they agree wholeheartedly with his words and harbor in their darkened hearts the same venom, vitriol, and hatred towards us that Keillor does. Their silence on the issue speaks volumes very loudly.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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