Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Faith under fire from our own military.

I never thought I would live to see the day when our government, let alone our own military, would so blatantly attack the things that have made this country great for over 200 years. Sadly, I have now seen that day. (Read story at link below)


The Pentagon, led and controlled by our factless leader Obama, had denied an Idaho group a military flyover for their God and Country July 4th event because of "the explicit endorsements of Christianity". Apparently there is no one with a brain or a recollection of history running things at the Pentagon these days. This country was founded on Christianity by Christian men who wanted us to have freedom to practice or religious beliefs and celebrate them openly and publicly if we so desire.

A spokesman for the Air Force reportedly said that it is military policy not support or participate in anything that promotes or endorses and particular religion or ideology. To translate that into what it really means, if the has anything to do with God, Conservatism, or patriotism, count the government and the U.S. military out. They want no part of it. I want no part of a country or a military that wants no part of God. It is not my policy to support their policy.

So, I guess then means that all military chaplains will soon be unemployed then? After all, if they can't even appear to be endorsing or supporting something that is overtly Christian, then they sure can't have a chaplain on their payroll now can they? If this is truly the stance the military wants to take on this issue then consistency demands that they fire all chaplains at once. Of course we all know how this would play out if it actually happened. All of the Christian chaplains would be fired, but any Muslim or Bhuddist or whatever else chaplain would be retained out of political correctness and a fear of being accused of discrimination.

What they will deny to their dying day is the FACT that they ARE committing religious discrimination by denying this group the military flyover that has been a part of the event for 42 years. The event is no more and no less overtly Christian than it has been in the previous years, so why the sudden change? It can most likely be linked to the event that occurred on November 4, 2008 that may well have begun the demise of our nation as we have known and loved it, the election of Barack Hussein Obama.

I am the adopted son of Marine who was a Korean War veteran. I have always had the utmost respect, admiration, and love for our nation's military. With this event, those feelings sadly have now lessened somewhat. I still have the utmost respect and regard for the men and women out in the trenches putting themselves in harm's way for our freedom and safety.

It's the cowards sitting in their plush offices at the Pentagon and the capital who are too spineless to stand up for the faith that this nation was founded upon that I have a beef with. They don't deserve our admiration or respect anymore. They have put political correctness ahead of the Constitution, fear ahead of courage, and a liberal ideology ahead of freedom and patriotism. This is truly a sad time in our nation's history, and if we continue down this path I feat it may soon be over for America. Faith, family, freedom, and patriotism are clearly in the crosshairs of the Obama administration the military commanders they now control.

With a military that is now clearly against faith and patriotism, I am beginning to see how some people in our country can have a very low regard for our military. I am not in that camp with them, at least not yet. I still love our country, our rank and file military, faith, freedom, and patriotism. I just wish our so-called leaders in DC and at the Pentagon did as well.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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