Sunday, April 19, 2009

The bloom is off the rose

All during the seemingly never ending presidential campaign, Barack Obama was the media darling. He was the guy who, in their eyes at least, could do no wrong and had all the answers. Liberal Democrats fawned and swooned over this fresh-faced, charismatic leader. Some even went so far as to call him "The Messiah" or "The Anointed One". Now, many of his alleged supporters, and even some in the media, are starting to throw him under the bus quite regularly. It sure didn't take long for the bloom to come off of that rose. As one of the ones who has seen right through the fluff and down to the thorns from the start, let me just say, I told you so.

Obama is proving what I and others who are paying attention and not blinded by political rhetoric or beholden to a political agenda have been saying all along, he is not even qualified to run amok, much less to run a country. It takes much more than a fresh face, eloquent speech, a charismatic persona, and a nice looking family to qualify someone to serve as president. The same was true with Bill Clinton and American voters brought him back for a second term. Let's hope we're not that stupid with Obama.

Why is the luster fading so fast on this once shining star, you ask? It could be baecause he didn't fast track us to socialism like so many said they wanted. He didn't wave his presidential magic wand and fix once and for all the nation's economic woes. It could also be because he didn't stab our troops in the back and immediately pull them out of Iraq and Afghanistan like so many misguided souls wished he would. So many hopes, and not one of them has materialized. Because of this, his one-time supporters are now turning on him. Usually, I want to see our elected officials keep their campaign promises. This time, however, I am glad he has failed and continues to fail to do so. His failure is actually good for America.

We are in a sad state of affairs in this once great country. There are far too few actual, honest to goodness leaders in our federal government. Instead we have the inmates running the asylum. We have the likes of Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Kennedy, and of course Hitlery Clinton in charge. All of them led of course by the Grand-Poobah of idiocy, Barrack Hussein Obama.

Not since the Jimmy Carter administration have we been this bad off as a nation. It took a dismal failure like Carter to bring us the greatest president of my lifetime, Ronald Wilson Reagan. Maybe it will take the train wreck that is the Obama administration to bring us another true patriot, leader, statesman in the fashion of Reagan. We can only hope and pray that is the case. That way the four years of enduring Obama will not be a total waste. If it does not bring about such a turn around, I fear for the survival of America as we once new it. The America that has ascended to greatness since its inception, is headed for demise under the current crop of miscrients who are now in control. To use some of Obama's own words, let's HOPE that things CHANGE soon!!

Jim Chitty

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