Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A letter to the president

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

President Obama:

As I think back to the campaign, I recall you ran on a platform of change and hope for America. Some of your blindly sycophantic followers began to call you things like “America’s Hope” or “The Messiah”. As one of the some 67 million smart, informed Americans who did not vote for you, I must now admit that you now have even me hoping for change. I deeply and sincerely hope we change presidents in 2012.

Let me set the record straight about hope for America and all of this Messiah business. America’s best and only hope lies in the ONE and ONLY TRUE Messiah, Jesus Christ. He is the only source of true hope and lasting change.

You have been in office a little over a month now and the “change” is evident. Before you took office we were fighting wars in two foreign countries. Our economy was in the tank and people were losing their homes and jobs at an alarming rate. The banks and auto makers were seeking huge government bailouts while leaving lavish spending practices in place.

Now that you have taken office we are fighting wars in two foreign countries. Our economy is in the tank and people are losing their homes and jobs at an alarming rate. Banks and automakers are still seeking government bailouts. Yes, the change is crystal clear to any and everyone paying attention. The only thing that has changed is the occupant of the white house and the clowns running the circus we know as our federal government.

One of your most famous quotes Mr. President is “America is the greatest nation on the planet. Won’t you join with me as we try to change it.” Talk about liberal Democrat political double-speak. If America really is so great in your mind why do you want to change it? We all know that the brand of change you have in mind is bad for America and will only make this country a sick caricature of the great nation it once was.

You also had some pretty famous quotes about having visited 57 states and putting kids with asthma on breathalyzers, but since those statements do such a masterful job of demonstrating your lack of intelligence on their own, I should let them go without further comment.

However, I feel it is my duty to inform you and those who blindly swallowed your rhetoric hook, line, and sinker that there are only 50 states that make up this great nation.

Now it is possible that our esteemed President was referring to states where he spends most of his time, the state of confusion, the state of delusion, and the state of apathy. You also frequently visit the state of denial, the state of chaos, the state of insanity, and the state of panic. Your followers blindly follow you to these states too so you are not alone there. And, by the way, breathalyzers are for people like Ted Kennedy, not kids with asthma. Just thought I would clear that up as well. The change you seek to bring about will take America and Americans to state where none of us want to live, the state of misery.

I will close this letter Mr. President by saying this on behalf of all of the other freedom loving, patriotic Americans like myself who were not fooled by your rhetoric and charisma, with all due respect, which isn’t much, you Sir can keep the change. America doesn’t want or need your kind of change.


Jim L. Chitty,

Writer/ Columnist/Blogger

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