Thursday, September 4, 2008

Republican National Convention

I don't normally watch political conventions on television. This election year however, I made exception. I watched as much of the DNC as I could stomach without losing my lunch. All the while, circus music was playing in my head. This week, I have watched some of the Republican National Convention and have actually enjoyed most of it.

Night before last I tuned in just in time to see the guy who was my candidate and the guy who
SHOULD BE THE NOMINEE instead of McCain, that being Fred Thompson. Thompson energized and electrified the crowd. Then, someone in their infantile wisdom, decided to follow Fred Thompson with Joe Leiberman. What were they thinking? Leiberman is NOT a Conservative or a Republican, and it concerns me that someone as liberal as Leiberman loves McCain as much as he does.

Last night, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani electrified the crowd. Mike Huckabee also spoke. They could have left him out too really as far as I'm concerned. The came the VP nominees Sarah Palin. She brought the house down. I was very concerned about who McCain was going to pick as his running mate. Leiberman's name was floated which would have been a disaster. Mitt Romney's name was mentioned, and I would have been okay with that choice. Fred Thompson was also mentioned as a possibility which of course I would have been on board for. Actually, I would have strongly suggested flipping the ticket had Thompson been chosen as the running mate. I am, however, very comfortable with the choice of Sarah Palin. Anyone who is so hated by the liberal media that they will trip over themselves to try to destroy her must be doing something right.

So, the bottom line is, I am now completely comfortable with the McCain/Palin ticket. I was going to vote Republican anyway. Always have, always will. I just didn't have a huge amount of comfort with McCain being the guy. The addition of Sarah Palin to the ticket has brought me around a little bit. Good job Senator McCain. And Obama/Biden, be afraid, be very afraid.

Jim Chitty

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