Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dobson calls for third party.

Recently, Focus on the Family Founder and President Dr. James Dobson announced that he absolutely could not support Rudy Giuliani as a Republican nominee for President of the United States because of his socially and morally liberal views on abortion and gay marriage. I agree with him completely on this. These are the same reasons plus a couple of others, that Giuliani will not be getting my vote in the primaries.

Dobson also said he would not support Fred Thompson because Thompson did not support a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. Thompson’s logic on this was that it is a state’s rights issue and needs no federal statute. Dobson disagrees. I can see both sides. If left entirely to the states, what’s to stop a state from saying that in that state it is legal to marry your dog if you so desire. A Constitutional amendment would prevent this. Dobson also stated the fact that Thompson is divorced and remarried as a factor, and even went so far as to say that he is not even sure if Thompson is a Christian. When did Dobson become qualified to judge the condition of a person’s soul? When did he become God?

Dobson did not say he would not endorse or support Mit Romeny, which is a defacto endorsement. He spoke glowingly of the fact that Romney has been married to same woman for 37 years, compared to Giuliani and Thompson, both of whom are divorced and remarried. Now why I would a man who many look to as the go to guy for all things Christian even remotely consider supporting a man who is a member of a cult? How could this well-respected Christian leader even think of supporting a man who belongs to a religion that does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God? Is he getting senile as he ages, perhaps?

And, to make matters worse, Dobson even floated the idea of a third party. One that more closely reflects the values that Christians hold dear. There has even been talk of Dr. Dobson himself being the candidate from this third party. What’s so wrong this you ask? Have you forgotten the Perot effect of 1992? A third party candidate would gift-wrap the nomination for Hillary Clinton. If Dobson or anyone else wants to start a third party sometime after the 2008 elections, then more power to him. I might even support it. I am not at all happy with how socially and morally liberal the so-called Conservative party has become in recent years. But to do that now, before the upcoming election, would negate everything that Christians and Conservatives have worked so hard for.

The fact is, Giuliani, even with all of his negatives, would be a far and away a superior choice over Hillary Clinton. Dobson supporters need to contact him and enlighten him to the reality that he needs to swallow his pride, or his holier than-thou mentality, or whatever it is that is driving him, and face the fact that if it comes down to a race between Giuliani and Hillary, or Fred Thompson and Hillary, he needs to support whoever the Republicans offer up. Having Hillary, Obama, or any other liberal Democrat in office will not be a good thing for America, or for Christianity. We, as Christians, cannot let someone like Dr. Dobson call for action that will hand over the presidency to someone like Hillary Clinton. If this happens, I hope Dr. Dobson is prepared to face that fact that it will be his fault that it happened. I hope he is prepared to face the consequences.

Jim Chitty

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