Friday, August 24, 2007

"Free" government health care.

So, you want "free" government health care, huh? Well, let's see what you're asking for. You want to be able to get medical care you can't afford and want the "government" to pay for it. How does the government get its money to pay for your health care? Through taxes of course. Wake up! Use your brain, assuming you have one and know how to use it, and realize that the government will pay for YOUR health care by raising YOUR taxes and mine, and everybody else's. "Free" health care isn't free, someone has to pay for it. The dirty little secret, the elephant in the room if you will, is while you may not have to pay for medical at the doctor's office at the time of treatment, you WILL be paying for it in higher taxes. Doesn't sound "free" to me.

So what we have here is the fact that you want your neighbors, your co-workers, and even members of your own family to pay for YOUR health care so you supposedly won't have to. The real question here is, whose responsibility is it to pay for YOUR health care? Is it your neighbor's? Is it your boss'? Is it you co-workers'? Your mom, dad, sister, brother, etc.? Is it the government's? Or could it just possibly be YOUR responsibility??

The almost funny thing is, and it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetically sad, your entitlement mentatlity has you so blinded to the obvious that you don't even realize that even if you did get this "free" government health care handed to you on a silver platter, you would still be paying for it through higher taxes, and so would all of the rest of us.

We, and this includes YOU, would be paying higher prices for lesser quality service. Everyone holds Canada's government health care program up as the model. Why is it then that Canadians come to America in droves to get care they can't get in Canada? Waiting as much as six months for EMERGENCY surgery doesn't sound like something we should aspire to. Other dimwits like Michael Moore hold Cuba's health care program up as the shining example. Oh, really?? Then why did Cuban President Fidel Castro have doctors from Spain flown into Cuba to treat him during a recent illness instead of relying on his shining example? The answer is obvious. He cares so little about his people that he will saddle them with long lines and inferior care while he gets the cream of the crop.

So you tell me, is this really where we want America to go? Well, under Hillary care, or Obama, or John Edwards plans that is exactly where we would end up. We would be having much more of our hard earned money confiscated from our pay, and getting much less quality of care in return. Not a very fair trade-off if you ask me. Pay more, get less. That's classic liberalism for you!

So, in review, you want the government to take your hard earned money along with mine and everyone else's to pay for health care that you supposedly can't afford to pay for but you actually are paying for it anyway, along with all the rest of us. And this fair how? It's not MY responsibility to pay for health care for YOU and YOUR family, nor is it the government's or anyone else's. It's yours. So, be a grown up, and own up to that fact and stop demanding that everyone else pay your way in life, and America will be a much better country!

Jim Chitty

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