Saturday, May 26, 2007

The REAL meaning of Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend is considered by many as the unofficial start of Summer. It is a time of travel, cookouts, trips to the lake, and other fun activities. However, there is a meaning behind the holiday that it would behoove us to never forget.

Memorial Day is a day set aside for America to remember, recognize, and honor the many men and women of our military who have fought and died to protect our right and freedom to participate in the fun activities mentioned in the previous paragraph. Freedom is not free. it is purchased at a very high price. That price very often, is people's lives.

Even though Memorial day is the national recognized holiday set aside for such remembrance, we should be mindful every day of the sacrifices made for us and our freedom. Just as we should keep the spirit of Thanksgiving with us all year round and not just the last Thursday in November, or the spirit of Christmas should be with us more than just on December 25, so it is with Memorial Day. Setting aside a specific day to have a national holiday is fine, but we must never forget the sacrifices made for our freedom and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice on a daily basis.

So, this Memorial Day weekend, if you come across a veteran who survived his or her tour of duty, thank them and honor them for their service. If you come across the family of a soldier who did not survive, know that this family also gave the ultimate sacrifice, and honor them and thank them for their sacrifice. Believe me, that is the very least we can do. We owe them so much more, and any respect and honor we give them will be greatly appreciated.

So on behalf of my family THANK YOU!!! To all men and women who have served our country in the military! We love and honor you all!!

Jim Chitty

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