Friday, March 25, 2011

Don't abort the dream!

I heard a very good and very timely message in church this Sunday morning. It was what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. The text used was Genesis 15 which tells the story of Abram who became Abraham. God promised Abram that he would be the father of many nations when Abram was an old man. Even still, it took 25 years for that promise to come to pass. So, was God late? Some of you may have said “yes” and some may have said “no”.  Well you are both right. In Abraham’s mind God was late, but in God’s mind He was right on time. It depends on your perspective.

God has birthed in each of us a promise, a dream, a calling that He wants and intends for us to carry to full term and see it come to pass just like the promise He gave Abraham. God may have a particular ministry He wants you in. He may have a special job for you. Maybe He has promised you that special someone. Whatever it is, hold on to it, no matter what it takes.

It’s very easy to be swayed and influenced by the negativity around us. Circumstances and situations surrounding our God-given promise may paint a negative, even impossible picture, and these images overwhelm and even overtake us. The flesh feeds and thrives on negativity. These negative images and seemingly impossible and insurmountable circumstances squelch our faith and cause us to grow weary in the well doing of believing and trusting God and cause us to abort these God-given dreams.

The Spirit, however, feeds on faith, and faith is what it takes carry the dream and the promise of God to its full term and see it come to life. Keep praying, believing, and expecting God to fulfill His promise. Start acting and speaking like it has already come to pass until it does. Surround yourself only with positive people who support and reinforce your faith and your dream. Feed the dream with faith and it will grow and when God is ready to bring it to life it will happen. He will honor your faith. It may not be as soon as you would like, but it will happen.

Sometimes letting go is a part of the faith process. Not letting go of the dream, but rather letting go of our preconceptions of how the dream will come about. If another person or person(s) are involved in the dream or the promise, but for whatever reason they don’t seem to be on board for the dream God placed in your heart, then you may have to let them go as well. Hold on to the dream, but let the person go. It could be that they have some growing to do, some lessons to learn before they are ready to be a part of the dream. Only God knows this for sure, and His timing is always perfect. When God is ready, and the other person is ready, God will make it happen.

Are you committing or have you committed dream abortion? Have you allowed the negativity of others influence your faith in the wrong direction? The good news is, it’s not too late. You can resurrect the dream. You can get back on track and star going forward in faith toward what God has promised you. Don’t give up! Our God does the impossible everyday. It’s nothing for Him. So hold on confidently and steadfastly to the dream and the promise. Let go of the preconceived notions and ideas, and even let go of some people if necessary. Distance yourselves from the naysayers, the dream killers, the perpetually negative influences that only have one goal, the abortion of your dream! Feed your faith, and starve fear, doubt, and negativity!! You will come out on top in the end!!

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