Friday, March 25, 2011


The voyeuristic nature of most humans is captivated, even mesmerized by horrendous crashes. Most of us who are NASCAR fans are entertained by the often spectacular crashes that occur, as long as no one gets hurt. People stop and stare as they drive by a car accident, or if they happen to pass the scene of a plane crash. Sadly, more often than not, people are hurt or even killed in car accidents and plane crashes. It is no different with train wrecks, be they literal or metaphorical.

Sometimes, people are fortunate enough to wake up, and get off the train before it goes screaming off the side of the cliff. While others stay on board and suffer often irreparable harm in the crash. Until, recently I was on such a train. It is one that is still headed down the track with a full head of steam loaded with unsuspecting passengers. The engineer is either oblivious to the impending doom, or knows exactly what he is doing, making the situation even more dire.

Another passenger told me that it was possible that a nut and bolt had come off the train a couple of months ago or more. I did not see or sense any obvious damage or danger at the time and was not that concerned. No one was panicking and the crew seemed well in control. Then, around the first of the year, the ride got a little rougher as another nut and bolt started working their way loose. I learned today that, unbeknownst to me until now, that a wheel came off last Summer. Yet the train full of happy passengers continued barreling down the track.

The nut and bolt that had started working its way loose came off a couple of weeks ago. As it turns out, that was one the last nuts and bolts holding on yet another wheel. The engineer is not interested in hearing what is wrong with his train and is content to just keep on driving it at breakneck speed down the track. That wheel is holding on precariously.

Also in the last day or so, the malfeasance of the engineer has also come to light. Rather than commit resources needed to fix the fundamental problems with the train, he would rather take lavish vacations, go on ski trips, and organize and fund outlandish and extravagant marketing programs for the train. He won’t even reimburse the crew for money they have spent out of their own pockets for the comfort and safety of the passengers. He also made some changes that make the journey less safe and less comfortable for who are on board.

Worse yet, some urgent needs developed concerning a passenger, needs that were largely ignored by the engineer even they were called to his attention more than once.
This passenger disembarked the train last week as did I. The plan was to possibly re-board the train and see if the problems were or could be fixed. After learning today of all the neglect and even arrogance on the part of the engineer, I will no longer be a passenger on that train. You could say I am no longer on board.

My heart goes out to and prayers go up for those still on the train who are totally oblivious to the danger ahead. When the final wheel comes off and this thing crashes, it will not be pretty. Countless lives will be affected. My prayers also go up for the engineer in hopes that he will see the error of his ways and head the train down a different track after concluding the necessary repairs, and before its too late.

If the train stays on it’s present course, I give it another 18 months, 24 tops, before a horrendous crash of epic proportions takes place. The voyeuristic nature in me wants to hide watch the tragedy unfold. The common sense part of me says “go, and don’t look back, no matter what”.  I think I will defer to the common sense side this time. I will satisfy the voyeuristic side by watching a NASCAR race.

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