Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Border fence almost as big a joke as Homeland Security Department and the Obama administration.

You call this a deterent?

Let me make sure I have this straight, this fence is supposedto stop illegal immigrants from corssing the border? Give me a break!! They can climb that in a second. Oh it may stop from getting across, but it won't stop anyone on foot from climbing over. Nothing short of posting armed troops along the border will adequately deter these criminals.

Everyone is making a huge deal about this wealthy rancher in Arizona who was killed by a criminal immigrant, and it is a big deal. But, it is no more or less huge than the thousads of other innocent men, women, and children who die every year at the hands of criminal immigrants in this country. I'm wondering what is the magic number? How many people have to be killed before we finally say enough is enough and demand our good for nothing government drop the hammer on these criminals? For me, one death is two too many.

Here, in my less than humble opinion, is what we need at our Southern border. A ginormous wall. Wrapped in high voltage razor wire. To where if the electric shock doesn't kill them for some reason, they will be so cut up that they will bleed to death before they make it to the top of the wall. If all else fails, have heavily armed troops stationed along the wall with orders to shoot to kill and interrogate later.

Now, you may be thinking that is a little harsh and over the top, pardon the pun. Tell that to the families of the innocent victims killed by criminal immigrants who get drunk, drive, and have a wreck. Tell that to the families of the robbery victims shot and killed by these criminal immigrants during a hold up. Tell that to the families of the  tens of thousands of innocent children raped and molested each year in this country by criminal immigrants. Tell that to the families of police officers killed by these criminal immgrants simply for doing their job. Just exactly whose side are you on those of you who think my idea is too harsh?

I'll tell you whose side I am on, the side of America and Americans. The side of those of us who work hard to support our families, abide by the laws, and are sick and tired of these criminals coming over and doing whatever the heck they want and getting a free pass because they are somehow viewed as a protected class. Criminals don't deserve to be protected. And, by the way, they are criminals when they first set foot on American soil because they came here illegally.

Some say we can't deport those who are already here, it would cost too much and be a logistic nightmare. I say we have no other choice. But, we must first stop the free flow coming across our border. That fence is like a band-aid on a gaping wound. Kind of like putting tape over that big hole in the pipe under your kitchen sink hoping it will stop the flood. Deportation without first stopping the flood is like mopping up the water on your kitchen floor while it continues to pour from the leaky pipe. Fix the leak, then clean up the flood.

We have a government that is not equipped to or interested in doing anything about this problem. And, we have a media in this country who want the voters to think that jobs and the economy are the #1 problems we should be worried about fixing. If we get rid of all the criminal immigrants who are over here working jobs doing you have any idea how many positions that would free up for decent, hard working, law abiding American citizens?

If we stopped giving these criminals free healthcare, free education for themselves and their kids, medicad, and all the myriad government frrebies they get at taxpayers (you & me) expense, just think how many billions of dollars would be back in the American economy where it belongs instead of being wired to Mexico. Stop criminal immigration and low and behold you also fix the economy and and the job crisis.

That's why this Novemeber and again in 2012 we need to make sure we elect candidates that have the spine to stand up and do the right thing, do what's best for America and not pander to special interest groups. Otherwsie, in a few short years, we may not have a country left to save.

Jim L. Chitty

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