Friday, July 24, 2009

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black, or in this case The President calling the cop a racist.

Just about the time I begin to think that President Obama has done just about all the damage he can do to what little credibility he has left if any, he goes and proves me wrong. Follow the links below for more on this topic.

Here is my take on the above stories. This Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr., who just happens to be black was arrested by a white cop after he refused to provide identification per the officer's request. The officer who was investigating a reported burglary at the home was trying to determine if in fact Gates was the resident of the home in question and and was supposed to be there. Rather than provide the requested identification information like any decent, law abiding citizen would do, Gates instead went on an obscenity laced tirade calling the officer a racist and making derogatory comments about the officer's mother. Gates at one point said "this is what happens to a black man in America". A second officer on the scene at the time says the arresting officer followed proper procedure and protocol when he arrested Gates for disorderly conduct.

President Obama responded saying that the police "acted stupidly" in this situation. A day later Obama backed off a little saying he wished "cooler heads had prevailed". You can translate that into he wishes the cracker cop had let the black go free. The problem with Obama's remarks other than its obvious racial overtones is that he commented from a national perspective on a local matter of which he knew nothing about. Which is eerily similar to how runs this country.

Gates said "this is what happens to a black man in America", well if that's how you feel professor Gates, and how much you hate America then feel free to leave. And when you go take Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackass, and Jeremiah Wright with you. America will certainly be better off without such racists and race baiters.

This just goes to show that in today's America white cops are apparently not allowed to arrest blacks even if they commit a crime right in front of the officer without the white officer being labeled a racist. By the way, the arresting officer was appointed by a black police commissioner to be one of two officers who teach other officers about racial profiling and how to avoid it. He has the support of fellow officers both black and white.

I would not even be writing this column and there would be no news stories to reference had it been a black officer who arrested a white man. A black cop arrests a white subject and race never enters the picture. But, let a white cop arrest a black subject and it is automatically a racial issue. Where did we go so wrong in America??

Remember, only a racist would make a non-racial issue out to be a racial issue. Enforcing the law is not a racial issue. The laws apply to everyone regardless of race or ethnicity and should be and in this case were enforced without regard to race or ethnicity. This cop is a hero and this professor is a racist bigot who clearly hates white people. Yet it is the cop that is being vilified by the media and government. Sometimes I wonder and worry about my country, and rightfully so.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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