Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The most trusted man in America?? Not even close.

Former CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, who passed away July 17 at the age of 92, was known by many as "the most trusted man in America". This begs the question, trusted by whom? The rest of the left leaning government controlled media perhaps? Or maybe its the mindless robots who believe everything they see on TV or read in print?

To patriotic, freedom loving, free-thinking, Conservative Americans though, he is not the most trusted man in America. As one of that group, I would trust the late Paul Harvey or anyone on Fox News long before Cronkite or anyone else in the mainstream media. All Walter Cronkite did was go on the air night after night and recite the Liberal talking points. Let's not forget, it was Cronkite who picked Dan Blather, arguably the most incompetent anchor to ever grace a camera, as his successor. Not only was he incompetent he was also the poster child for news reporting that is anything but fair and balanced. What is it about CBS News that attracts the worst common denominator of reporters? Cronkite, Rather, Couric, need I go any further?

Yes, Walter Cronkite was one of the most recognizable faces and voices in modern broadcast news history. And, despite his obvious Liberal leanings and reporting, he was loved by many Americans. He was an American icon.

Am I the only one who finds it odd though that Cronkite dies and it's national news for a couple of days, while on the other hand Paul Harvey, who had done news much longer and much better than Cronkite ever did, dies in Febraury and its barely a blip on the national news radar. Cronkite was just another news anchor. Paul Harvey on the other hand was a national treasure. Cronkite was a mouthpiece for Liberal ideology. Harvey was the voice of patriotic, Conservative Americans.

That my friends is the difference. The mainstream Liberal media was most likely happy to see Paul Harvey head off to that broadcast studio in the sky. Of course since he was Conservative they will probably tell you he went below and not above. Cronkite on the other hand, in their twisted minds, is sitting at the right hand of God giving Him news updates at 5PM Monday through Friday.

The same Liberal media types are I'm sure waiting anxiously for the day they can break into regularly scheduled programming and gleefully announce the death of Rush Limbaugh. In those media facilities there will be no weeping and gnashing of teeth on that day. There will be no tears shed. Instead there will be celebrations and pizza parties and what not. Although it wasn't publicized, I'm sure there were some high fives going around Liberal media news shops the day Paul Harvey died.

I remember as a kid growing up watching the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite with my parents. Every time he would end his 22 minutes of attempted indoctrination with his signature "and that's the way it is" I would almost become physically ill. I would think "no Walter, that's the way you want us to believe it is". Back then, there was no Fox News Channel to counter the Liberal indoctrination at CBS, ABC, and NBC. Some of us had to figure things out on our own.

So now Walter Cronkite has left us. He left us with Dan Blather. He left us with a lot of Liberal bias. He retired just in time, right before the national news became the joke and laughing stock that it now is. In the grand scheme of things Walter Cronkite was just another in a long line of Liberally biased anchors who have contributed to the mainstream media becoming nothing more the sick caracture of its former self.

And that my friends, is the way it really is. Sorry Walter, I had to use it. It was just too easy.

Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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