Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's in a name?

It never ceases to amaze, and at the same time disgust me. I'm talking about the overt hypocrisy of the left. I was reading an editorial column at our local paper's website recently and was particularly peeved by one of the comments posted to the column. This commenter was commenting in response to another commenter who referred to President Obama as "Barry Obama". Now do the fact checking for yourself if you want, but he went by "Barry" while in college. The commenter in question was not using the name as an insult or with any disrespect. He was merely using a nickname that our President adopted for himself when he was younger.

The other commenter, the one who set my teeth on edge, however, said that calling him "Barry" was very disrespectful and that we should all call him by his given name Barack Hussein Obama. I would almost be willing to bet a month's pay that this person belongs to the same ilk that was wringing their hands during the campaign over people's use of his middle name, Hussein. Remember how they all said that was unecessary, bigoted, and disrespectful? Now it's somehow okay and the proper way to refer to him?

I would also almost be willing to bet another month's pay that this person and their ilk were some of the loudest critics of former President Bush, calling him an idiot, an SOB, and everything but his title or his given name, doing so with much hatred and disrespect, and all the while thinking it was perfectly okay. I have a news flash for them, it's not okay. Never has been and never will be.

These people actually seem to think that referring to President Obama as anything less than the Messiah, God Incarnate, and America's best and only hope is somehow racist and disrespectful to him. How stupid can they be? Stupid enough to buy into his rhetoric and elect him apparently. It appears that here in America, for now at least, that the imnates are running the asylum. Or maybe the clowns are running the circus. Either one works.

The bottom line is, respect is earned and not demanded. Only those who know they don't deserve respect try to demand it from those that they themselves show little or no respect for. Barack Hussein Obama has not earned my respect. I respect the office he holds even though I did not vote for him. I do not however, respect him as a person, the views he holds and espouses, or the detrimental change he seeks to force upon America and Americans.

That being said, I will act with way more class and dignity than anyone on their side has done in years, and will refer to him as President Obama. Oh sure, I could lower myself to their gutter level and call him a fool, an idiot, or whatever, but I won't. I'm better than that. I just wish, for the sake of our country, that those on the left were too.

Jim Chitty

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