Thursday, November 6, 2008

So, now President-elect Obama is starting to put his cabinet in place. He has already chosen Rahm Emmanuel as his Chief of Staff, and it is rumored that John Kerry is being considered for Secretary of State. God help us all!

In light of this, I thought it would be fun to play a little game. I am now going to not just suggest, but recommend some people for various cabinet posts. Here are my suggestions:

Head of Homeland Security: Bill Ayers
White House Chaplain: Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Attorney General: Tony Resko
EPA Chief: Al Gore
Defense Secretary: Jack Murtha
Director of Governmental Affairs: Bill Clinton
Head of FCC: Michael Moore
Press Secretary/White House Spokesman: Al Franken
Head of US Race Relations: Al Sharpton
Transportation Secretary: Ted kennedy

Furthermore, I strongly suggest that President-elect Obama consider renaming the White House because of it's clearly racially insensitive name. Call it something like "The People's House" or something to that effect. After all, we must be politically correct.

Now, I hope you enjoyed this little exercise. Thanks to Rush Limbaugh for intorducing me to the concept of illustrating absurdity by being absurd. I hope this little bit of humor and absurdity made you chuckle. The scary thing is, this may not be too far off the mark from what really happens. If so, I fear greatly for the future of our country during The Messiah's term in office. And, in case anyone wonders, it was actually Louis Farakahn who first called Barack Obama "The Messiah".

Please pary for God's protection of our freedom and liberty in America like you never have before, because it will be and is in greater jeopardy than ever before.

Jim Chitty

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